Sunday, 13 November 2011

Computer Architecture Important Question papers | Mca Syllabus

Computer Architecture Important Question papers | Mca Syllabus
Computer Architecture Important Question papers and questions. with new pattern and old model.

  1. Give Brief about system Buses and their characteristics.
  2. Compare 16-Bit architecture with 32-bit architecture.
  3. Explain  DMA ? Give Brief about the working of DMA Controller.
  4. Give Brief about any two Local Bus architecture.
  5. Explain  Pipelining ? Give Brief about Instruction Pipelining with example.
  6. compare CISC and RISC.
  7. what is  Parallel Processing.
  8. what is  CPU Performance.
  9. what is  Handshaking.
  10. what is  Demultiplexer.
  11. Give Brief about 32 bit architecture.
  12. Define Interrupt. Give Brief about types of interrupts with example.
  13. Give Brief about I/O Interfaces.
  14. Give Brief about RISC piplining.
  15. Give Brief about the functions of Tlopy Disk Controller'.
  16. Give Brief about the various addressing modes with example.
  17. Explain  flip-flop ? Give Brief about any two flip-flop with truth-table.
  18. what is  Transceivers.
  19. what is  Arithmetic Co - processor
  20. what is  Opcode.
  21. Give Brief about the Brock Diagram of IO interfaces, 
  22. Explain  addressing modes ?
  23. Compare 16-bit architecture with 32-bit architecture.
  24. Give Brief about Floppy Disk Controller.
  25. Give Brief about any two Local Bus architectures.
  26. Explain  Pipelining ? 
  27. Give Brief about arithmetic pipelining with example. 
  28. Give Brief about superscalar concept with Itanium processor.
  29. what is  Multiplexer
  30. what is  Interrupts
  31. what is  SPEC Bench Mark
  32. what is  Keyboard Debouncing
  33. what is  Parallel processing.
  34. Give Brief about 64 Bit architecture in detail.
  35.  Explain about registers available in DMA ? Give Brief about the data transfer modes ofDMA.
  36. Compare various Local Buses with respect to characteristics.
  37. Give Brief about Hard Disk Controller and iis function.
  38. Explain  pipelining ? Give Brief about instruction pipelining with example.
  39. Explain  Counter ? 
  40. Give Brief about any two types of Counters.
  41. what is  Half Adder.
  42. what is  Handshaking.
  43. what is SPEC Bench Mark.
  44. Explain is a Register ? Give Brief about any two types of Registers.
  45. Give Brief about the Components of Microprocessor.
  46. Give Brief about the Working of Floppy Disk Controller.
  47. Give Brief about 64-bit architecture with a neat diagram.
  48. Describe the characteristics of PCI Bus architecture.