Computer Architecture Important Question papers and questions. with new pattern and old model.
- Give Brief about system Buses and their characteristics.
- Compare 16-Bit architecture with 32-bit architecture.
- Explain DMA ? Give Brief about the working of DMA Controller.
- Give Brief about any two Local Bus architecture.
- Explain Pipelining ? Give Brief about Instruction Pipelining with example.
- compare CISC and RISC.
- what is Parallel Processing.
- what is CPU Performance.
- what is Handshaking.
- what is Demultiplexer.
- Give Brief about 32 bit architecture.
- Define Interrupt. Give Brief about types of interrupts with example.
- Give Brief about I/O Interfaces.
- Give Brief about RISC piplining.
- Give Brief about the functions of Tlopy Disk Controller'.
- Give Brief about the various addressing modes with example.
- Explain flip-flop ? Give Brief about any two flip-flop with truth-table.
- what is Transceivers.
- what is Arithmetic Co - processor
- what is Opcode.
- Give Brief about the Brock Diagram of IO interfaces,
- Explain addressing modes ?
- Compare 16-bit architecture with 32-bit architecture.
- Give Brief about Floppy Disk Controller.
- Give Brief about any two Local Bus architectures.
- Explain Pipelining ?
- Give Brief about arithmetic pipelining with example.
- Give Brief about superscalar concept with Itanium processor.
- what is Multiplexer
- what is Interrupts
- what is SPEC Bench Mark
- what is Keyboard Debouncing
- what is Parallel processing.
- Give Brief about 64 Bit architecture in detail.
- Explain about registers available in DMA ? Give Brief about the data transfer modes ofDMA.
- Compare various Local Buses with respect to characteristics.
- Give Brief about Hard Disk Controller and iis function.
- Explain pipelining ? Give Brief about instruction pipelining with example.
- Explain Counter ?
- Give Brief about any two types of Counters.
- what is Half Adder.
- what is Handshaking.
- what is SPEC Bench Mark.
- Explain is a Register ? Give Brief about any two types of Registers.
- Give Brief about the Components of Microprocessor.
- Give Brief about the Working of Floppy Disk Controller.
- Give Brief about 64-bit architecture with a neat diagram.
- Describe the characteristics of PCI Bus architecture.