Monday, 14 November 2011

Java Programming 2005 - Pattern | New | Mca Pune university

  Java Programming (2005 - Pattern) (New).
Java Programming 2005 - Pattern |  New | Mca Pune university question papers.
1. Solve the following : 10
a) What is Inet Address ?
b) How to instantiate Httpsession object ?
c) Differentiate between abstract and final keywords.
d) What is connection pooling ?
e) List different types of EJB.

2. a) Write server side socket program to accept file name from client. Server will
reverse the contents and send as response.
b) Write client side socket program to accept filename from user and send to
server. Display the response received from server.
3. Write an applet application which will display colours in list box and a scrolling banner which scrolls to right. When user selects any colour from list, change the colour of scrolling banner ?
4. Write a RMI application to do the following :
' Client will accept a string from user and communicates to the server. Client will invoke find vowel count - remote method on server, using accepted string and display vowel count from that string.
Write all required classes or interfaces.

5. Accept mobile HANDSET details through HTML page. Pass the accepted details to servlet. Servlet will insert record in HANDSET table with values received from HTML page. Servlet will send response as whether record is inserted or not. Assume suitable table structure.
6. Write notes on (any 3) : a) Java. io. File class b) Thread life cycle c) Session tracking in servlets d) EJB architecture.

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