Monday, 14 November 2011

Test cases and test papers for Software Engineering

Test cases and test papers for Software Engineering
Test cases and test papers for Software Engineering
1. A library receives 1300 journals of varying periodicities. The journals received
have to be recorded and displayed. Action has to be taken when journals are not
received in time or lost in mail. Unless request for replacement is sent quickly, it
may not be possible to get replacement. Periodicals have to be ordered at different
times during the year and subscriptions renewed in time. Late payment of
subscriptions may lead to non-availability of earlier issues or paying higher
amounts for those issues. Current manual system is not able to meet these
requirements. Prepare SRS and system specification for an information system
for ordering periodicals. 20
2. Explain the relationship among software process, project and product. Compare Agile process with the conventional one. 10
3. Explain about various types of documentation in detail. 10
4. Explain the method of estimating software maintenance cost. Give various components of legacy system. 10
5. CASE tool assists various phases of software development. Justify. 10
6. Draw the suitable data entry screen to enter daily attendance of the employees working in different shifts with proper GUI - based validation controls. 10

7. Write short notes on (any four) ;
a) Web Engineering
b) Reverse Engineering
c) Inspection process
d) Structured programming
e) Code design.

Case study for Software Engineering with example

Case study for Software Engineering with example
Case study for Software Engineering .
 The railway rcservalion system functions as follows ;
The passenger is required to fill in a reservation form giving detail of his journey. The counter clerk ensures whether the place is available. If so, entries arc made in i register, tickets are prepared, amount is computed and cash is accepted. A booking slatcment is prepared in triplicate format from the reservation register. One copy ol"it is retained as office copy, the other is pasted on compartment and third is passed on to the train conductor. Besides booking statement, cash statement is prepared at the end of each shift.
Prepare SRS and system specification for above system.                                                                                 
2. Draw a suitable data entry screens to enter daily attendance of MCA class for
iflerent subjects (Theory and Practical) with pmper GUI based validation controls.     
I. Describe software configuration management process in detail.                                                                   
I. Explain inspection process, composition of inspection team and defects loading
in detail.
 Explain features and components of CASE tool.                                                                                                
STAR Scooter I.Id. has issued an advertisement calling applications for various
posts, After receiving applications scrutiny will be made and interview letters will
be sent. Deserving candidates will be selected through interviews and will be
appointed as regular employees. Draw DFD upto first level level for above case.

Interview questions for Software Engineering

Interview questions for Software Engineering
Interview questions for Software Engineering.
The purchase order system functions as follows :
After receiving the purchase requisition from store department, enquiries are made Dvarious suppliers. The supplier sends quotations to the company. All quotations analysed and final selection of supplier is done and accordingly purchase "rto respective suppliers are send. The supplier sends invoice along with raw %
pare SRS and system specification for the above system.
Tk priirary goal of Software Engineering is to improve the quality of software"
Elaborate the need of Software Engineering for software projects.

plain various types of documentations in detail .

plain the method of estimating software maintenance cost and elaborate types


Main role of CASE tools in Software Engineering.

member of inspection team prepares a checklist for inspection of a portal loped for a company. Defects are to be recorded wiih reference to the checklist.
are format of checklist and defect loging report for the same.

rile short note on any four :
Agile process
Role of system analyst
Reverse Engineering
Structured charts
Code design.

Software Engineering mca question papers pune university

Software Engineering  mca question papers pune university
 Software Engineering  mca question papers pune university new pattern with marks. 

I. Ashoka group of hotels is building a new system for hotel management that will have the following features :
- System will provide the GUI user interface with menucs, error messages and various options.
- System handles various details of customer's, rooms special facilities provided to them.
- System generates routine, MIS, exceptions reports for administration.
- System generates bills and receipts.
- System run on client-server technology with desktop computers placed in various departments for data capture.

As a leader of testing team design a test plan stating scope, strategies, risks, schedule.
control procedure, environment resources, dependencies and tools to be used.     (20)
. a) Describe V and V techniques of software quality assurance. (10)
b) What is code review ? Describe the way it is carried out. (10)

3. a) Explain various levels of testing in detail. (10)
b) Write a note on regression testing and stress testing with examples. (10)
4. a) Explain how test case is generated. Write a test case for login screen. (10)
b) Explain bug life cycle in detail. (10)

5. Write short notes (any four) :
1) Peer Review
2) Acceptance Testing
3) Quality Metrics
4) Maintainability
5) Path selection criteria
6) Change Management.