Sunday, 13 November 2011

Data Structures And Files Using 'C |New pattern mca | pune university

Data Structures And Files Using 'C |New pattern mca | pune university.

4. a) Construct an AVL tree for following
Indira. Jaya, Uma, Amit, Suyog, Anu, Vinit, Zim. Emam. 7
b) Write the function to substract 400 polynomials. 7
5. a) Write the function for non-recursive preorder traversal of binary search tree. 7
b) Write the function to delete the node from circular singly linked list. 7
6. a) Write the function to add the node in Min heap tree. 7
b) Write a note on : 7
a) File Organization technique
b) Hashing.

1. A) Convert INFIX expression to PREFIX form. Show the stack at each step.
B) Write a ANSI C Code for sorting an I-D array of integers using Bubble sort.
2. A) Write a void to calculate sum of all numbers stored in circular queue. B) Write a ANSI C void for Uncling height/depth of binary search tree.
3. Write a program to create reverse linear signally linked list of strings.
4. A) Write a void to reverse the contents of stack.
B) Write a ANSI C Code lo add two polynomials.

5. A) Draw a Binary Search Tree for 23, 89, 34, 67, 99, 2, 55, 45, 78, 12, 56
Write Preorder, Postorder traversal for the tree.
B) Write void for non-recursive Inorcler traversal for the above tree.
6. Write a note on (any two);
A) Expression Tree
B} Threaded Binary tree
C) Hashing techniques.

7. Construct an AVL tree for the following:
Input, Joystick, USB. Rom. Port, Ram, Windows, X-windows. Audio, Cache.

8. A) Write a program to transpose 4x4 matrix.
B) Write a void to reverse each word of a sentence using stack.

9. Answer the following using the graph.
A) Generate DFS output
B) Generate BFS output.
C) Write an adjacency Matrix.

Consider *E' as Starting vertex and Adjacent vertex should in alphabetical descending order.

A) Answer ihe following using graph :
a) Generate DFS output
b) Generate BFS output
c) Write an adjacency matrix
d) Write a adjacency list.


B) Evaluate the following postfix form :
AB - C * DEF + $ /
A = 3, B = 4, C = 1, D = -1, E = 6, F = 5
show the content of stack at each step in tabular form.

C) Draw the expression tree for following:
- (A - B) / (C + lag (D - E!)) - f (G, H, I, J)

2. A) Write a ANSI 'C code to insert and delete an element from a queue.
B) Write a 'C function to delete a node in circular singly linked list.

3. A) Write a ANSI "C code for post order traversal in Binary Search Tree using
non-recursive function. 7
B) Write a program to reverse each word in a string using stack. 7

4. A) Sort the following element using quick sort : 7
65, 9, 48, 32, 28, 23, -92, 62.
B) Draw ;i Binary Search Tree for following : 27, 92, 30, 64, 94, 17, 56, 49, 76, 3, 56
Write pre-order and post-order for same. 7

5. A) Construct an AVL Tree for following : 7
Radha. Rcshma, Shrish. Ram, Sham, Nitesh, Gita, Neeta, Kishore, Ashish.
B) Write a function two merge two sorted linear singular linked list. 7
6. A) Explain following : 8
i) Sequential File Organization
ii) Midsquaring H'ashing Techniques
iii) Abstract Data Type
iv) Priority Queue

B) Write an ANSI C code to transpose a sparse matrix. 6

1. a) Answer the following using graph

a) generate BFS output
b) Generate DFS output
c) Give adjacency list representation considering E' as a starting vertex.      
 b) Write the program to convert INFIX expression to POSTFIX form. 7

2. a) Write the program to reverse the singly linked list of integers.
7 b) Write the program to reverse the content of Queue using stack. 7
3. a) Write a program to sort an I. - Dimensional array using insertion sort.
7 b) Write the function to calculate the sum of all numbers in Binary search tree.       7

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