1. A) Compare and contrast between distributed databases and centralized databases. (7)
B) Define fragmentation and explain various types of fragmentation with suitable
application examples. (8)
2. A) Explain distribution transparency for Read-only application. (7)
B) Explain the following distributed database concepts (any 2). (8)
i) Global query
ii) Integrity contraints in distributed databases,
hi) Distributed wait for graph.
3. A) Explain the following (any 1): (7)
i) Top-Down and Bottom-Up approach to the design of data distribution.
ii) Concurrency control in distributed databases.
B) Define and explain briefly (any 2): (8)
i) Homogeneous and heterogeneous DDBMS
ii) Operator tree of a query
iii) Client Server databases.
4. Write notes on the following (any 3): (15)
i) Distributed dead locks.
ii) ODBC
iii) Query Optimization
iv) Time stamping mechanism.
. Explain the following (any 2): (20)
i) Management of distributed transaction
ii) Role of coordinator and participant sites in execution of a query
iii) The storage mechanism in distributed DBMS.