Sunday, 13 November 2011

Computer Networks Question papers Mca Pune university

 Computer Networks (New Course) (2005 Pattern).
Computer Networks(CN) Question papers Mca Pune university
l.a) What is DNS and DNS protocols ? How delegation of-authority is executed in
DNS ? 10
b) Explain TCP as a reliable protocol. 10
2. Explain REQUEST and RESPONSE in HTTP communication. 10
3. What is VPN ? Explain IP Sec Protocol's role in VPN communication. 10
4. Explain various components used in building a local area network. 10
5. Explain DHLP scope resolution with example. 10
y MB •
6. Write short notes (any four) : " (4x5=20)
i) ATM traffic management
ii) IP routing
iii) Firewall
iv) Topologies
v) Gigabyte Network
vi) Data-Link Layer in OSI model.

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