Monday, 14 November 2011

Java Programming Interview questions with model paper

Java Programming Interview questions with model paper
I. Answer the following with justification.
1) Interfaces cannot be extended.
a) True b) False
2) Import statement is always the first non-comment statement in Java program file.
a) True b) False
3) Which of the following interfaces does not have any method or member variable.
a) Serializable c) Runnable
b) Comparable d) Cloneablc.
4) A catch clause may catch exceptions of which type ?
a) Throwable Type c) Exception Type
b) Error Type d) Siring Type
5) The doCret () and doPost () methods are of HTTP servlet class,
a) True b) False

a) Write an applet to display scrolling text from right to left in an applet window,
using Thread. Text should be accepted by HTML parameter.
b) Explain session tracking in servlet. 7
I. a) Differentiate between Byle stream and character stream. Write a program to merge two files into third file.
 Accept file names using command line arguments. (Use Byte Streams).
b) Explain steps involved in RMI application with example.

4. a) Wrilc a servlet to accept students information from HTML page, and store the
details in a database.
(Note : Take suitable fields, student table is already present), b) Explain the scopes of access specifiers in Java.

5. a) i) Write a Java Socket program that runs on client and sends a file name to
server at port 8000. The program should display appropriate message returned by server.
ii) Write a Java socket program that runs on server at port 8000, which accepts a
file name from client and checks file exists or not and returns proper message
to client. I
b) Explain Inner class with example.
6. Write short notes on any 3 :
1) EJB Architecture.
2) Adapter classes.
3) Layout managers.
4) Class Object in Java.

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