1. University examination department receives the candidate registration forms from
various approved institutes. The examination process is to be computerized. Design
the data entry screen to enter the following details.
Name and address of candidate
Course details
Semester and Subject details Institute details Examination fee Examination center.
Design normalized files layouts, required to process these forms. Also describe
the data validation, in brief. 20
2. Design a questionnaire to collect the response of viewers on popular Hindi serials, displayed on TV.
3. A purchase department receives material indent from stores. Based on the requirement received and stock-in-hand, the purchase department places a purchase order on a short-listed vendor. The stores department prepares GRN (Goods Receipt Note) for the material received. A copy of the GRN is sent to purchase department for further processing. Purchase department forwards the vendor bill and GRN to accounts department for payment. As a systems analyst, draw 10 Is* level physical DFD.
E-R diagram.
4. What is system ? Explain the characteristics of a system.
5. What are the problems encountered in software maintenance ?
6. Write short notes (any 2) : 10 System flow chart
Black-box and white-box testing Cost benefit analysis.