Information Technology And Programming
Methodologies (2005 Pattern) MCA
a) Draw parse tree for the equation A :ambiguous grammar or not.
i) Virtual memory
ii) Firewall
iii) Compiler and interpreter
iv) Static and dynamic binding.
1. What is Operating System 7 Explain various types such as NOS, SOS and DOS.
2. State use of l-O port. Also explain special input devices used in computer.
3. Complement and simplify:
1) (A+B) (B+C) (A+C).
2) X (W + X) (Y + W + X)
3) XY (YZ + XZ)
4) XY + X'Y' (Yr+Z'Y')
4. Explain different typos of memories used in computer.
5. a) Explain different file handling functions.
b) Compare magnetic tape and magnetic disk as data storage media.
6. a) Explain principle of language design in detail.
b) Explain primitive and non primitive data types with example.
7. a) Write an algorithm for printing fibonacci series, b) What is predicate ? Explain.
8. What is event model ? Explain event driven programming.
9. a) How exceptions are handled in C++ ? b) Explain various states of thread.
10. Write short notes on any two:
a) Abstract classes.
b) Pre-test and post-test loop statement.
c) Logic gates.
d) Network topologies.
1. a) Explain the principles of language design in detail. 10
h) Explain the concept of Cache memory. 5
c) Solve the following: 5
i)( BABA)|6-(762)8 = ( )8 ii) (210)|0 + (AI)I6= ( )|0.
2. Explain different types of memories used in computer. 10
3. What is a modem ? Explain its types. 10
4. Explain compilers, interpreters and assemblers. 10
5. What is a thread ? Explain various states of a thread. 10
6. Discuss various file organizations and accessing techniques. Comment suitability
of various file organizations. 10
7. Write short notes on (any 2) : 10
a) Computer virus.
b) Demorgan's theorem and Duality theorem.
c) BNF.
What is logic gate 7 Explain various logic gates. Solve and draw gated diagram.
Write definition of algorithm and flowchart Draw a flowchart to check whether the entered number is a prime number or not.
Solve the following : <20)IO * (BAC)I6 = ( )2 jABAB)|6 -(236)g = ( )8 b) Explain linkers and loaders.
Explain object oriented programming language paradigm, also explain what is iding and binding times.
rhat are basic building blocks of language ? Explain structured and non structured
data types. 10
it is operating system ? Explain various types such as NOS. SOS and DOS.
Fire walls \ Dead locks
c) Virtual memory
d) Modem.
1. What is operating system ? Explain functions and various types of operating system.
2. a) Explain block diagram of computer in detail, b) Explain any three input devices.
3. a) Explain various image file formats, b) Solve
i) (BABA)J6 + (18)10 = ( )16
ii) (10)I0.(ABC) |6 = ( )2
iii) (89FC)|6*(27)8 = ( )l6
4.a) What is logic gate ? Explain various logic gates.
b) Write definition of algorithm and flowchart. Draw flowchart to calculate factorial of any given number.
5.a) Explain event driven programming.
b) What arc basic building blocks of language ? Explain structured and non structured data types.
Methodologies (2005 Pattern) MCA
a) Draw parse tree for the equation A :ambiguous grammar or not.
i) Virtual memory
ii) Firewall
iii) Compiler and interpreter
iv) Static and dynamic binding.
1. What is Operating System 7 Explain various types such as NOS, SOS and DOS.
2. State use of l-O port. Also explain special input devices used in computer.
3. Complement and simplify:
1) (A+B) (B+C) (A+C).
2) X (W + X) (Y + W + X)
3) XY (YZ + XZ)
4) XY + X'Y' (Yr+Z'Y')
4. Explain different typos of memories used in computer.
5. a) Explain different file handling functions.
b) Compare magnetic tape and magnetic disk as data storage media.
6. a) Explain principle of language design in detail.
b) Explain primitive and non primitive data types with example.
7. a) Write an algorithm for printing fibonacci series, b) What is predicate ? Explain.
8. What is event model ? Explain event driven programming.
9. a) How exceptions are handled in C++ ? b) Explain various states of thread.
10. Write short notes on any two:
a) Abstract classes.
b) Pre-test and post-test loop statement.
c) Logic gates.
d) Network topologies.
1. a) Explain the principles of language design in detail. 10
h) Explain the concept of Cache memory. 5
c) Solve the following: 5
i)( BABA)|6-(762)8 = ( )8 ii) (210)|0 + (AI)I6= ( )|0.
2. Explain different types of memories used in computer. 10
3. What is a modem ? Explain its types. 10
4. Explain compilers, interpreters and assemblers. 10
5. What is a thread ? Explain various states of a thread. 10
6. Discuss various file organizations and accessing techniques. Comment suitability
of various file organizations. 10
7. Write short notes on (any 2) : 10
a) Computer virus.
b) Demorgan's theorem and Duality theorem.
c) BNF.
What is logic gate 7 Explain various logic gates. Solve and draw gated diagram.
Write definition of algorithm and flowchart Draw a flowchart to check whether the entered number is a prime number or not.
Solve the following : <20)IO * (BAC)I6 = ( )2 jABAB)|6 -(236)g = ( )8 b) Explain linkers and loaders.
Explain object oriented programming language paradigm, also explain what is iding and binding times.
rhat are basic building blocks of language ? Explain structured and non structured
data types. 10
it is operating system ? Explain various types such as NOS. SOS and DOS.
Fire walls \ Dead locks
c) Virtual memory
d) Modem.
1. What is operating system ? Explain functions and various types of operating system.
2. a) Explain block diagram of computer in detail, b) Explain any three input devices.
3. a) Explain various image file formats, b) Solve
i) (BABA)J6 + (18)10 = ( )16
ii) (10)I0.(ABC) |6 = ( )2
iii) (89FC)|6*(27)8 = ( )l6
4.a) What is logic gate ? Explain various logic gates.
b) Write definition of algorithm and flowchart. Draw flowchart to calculate factorial of any given number.
5.a) Explain event driven programming.
b) What arc basic building blocks of language ? Explain structured and non structured data types.