Sunday, 13 November 2011

Information System : Analysis And Design Methodologies

 Information System : Analysis And Design Methodologies (2005 Pattern) (New). | Pune university.
1. a) Order processing system includes the following activities.
i) Customer sends in order.
ii) Order are received by order processing clerk.
iii) Order processing clerk verifies the order for the material before sending for
further processing or rejecting it.
iv) Rejected order will be sent to customer others will entered into the customer
v) Order is processed and invoice is prepared.
Draw physical and logical dala flow diagram for the above case. 10
b) Create decision table to assign risk categories and charges to applicants for an insurance.
Use the following rules :
If the applicant is under 21, apply a surcharge. If the applicant is male,
under 26 and married or male and over 26, assign him to risk category B. If the
applicant is single male under 26 or a female under 21, assign him/her to risk
category C. All other applicants are assigned to risk category A. 10
2. Draw a suitable dala entry screen to enter daily attendances of the employees working in different shifts with proper GUI - based validation controls. 10
3. Explain various activities in Requirement determination in detail. 10
4. Explain about various stages of software development life cycle. 10
5. Explain objective of controls in IS Audit ? Explain various types of controls.        10
6. Write short notes of any four :

1) Elements of system design.'
2) Types of Feasibility.
3) Data Dictionary.
4) Information system security.
5) Object Oriented Methodology.
.6) Skills required for system analyst. 20

1. a) Soft Tech Pvi. Ltd. has issued an advertisement calling applications for various
posts. After receiving applications scrutiny will be made and interview letters will be send. Deserving candidates will be selected through interviews and will be appointed as regular employees.
a) Draw context level Data Flow Diagram. 5
b) Draw 1" level Data Flow Diagram. 10
b) The policy followed by a company to process customer orders is given by following rules.
i) If the customer order <= that in stock and his credit is OK, supply his
ii) If the customer'credit is not OK do not supply send him an intimation.
iii) If the customer credit is OK but items in stock are less than his order
supply what is in stock ? Enter balance to be sent in back order file.
Draw decision table for above policy. 5

2. Explain classical life cycle and prototyping approach to SDLL in detail. 10

. Explain feasibility study and elaborate in cost benefit analysis. 10

. Explain need of information system audit. Also explain various types of controls.       10

. Design a dialogue hierarchy and screens for a system used to reserve seats in long
distance buses. 10
. Write short note on (any four) : (4x5=20)
a) Software acquisition.
b) Fact finding methods.
c) Objectives of output design.
d) File design.
e) RAD.

1. a) A customer presents a cheque to a clerk. The clerk checks a ledger containing
all account numbers and makes sure whether the account number in the cheque is valid, whether adequate balance is there in the account to pay the cheque, and whether the signature is authentic. Having done these, the clerk gives the customer a token. The clerk also debits customer's account by the amount specified on the cheque. If cash cannot be paid due to an error in the cheque, the cheque is returned. The token number is written on top of the cheque and it is passed on to the cgshier. The cashier calls out the token number and the customer goes to the cash counter with the token. The cashier checks the token number, takes the customer's signature, pays cash, enter cash paid in a ledger called day book and files the cheque.
Develop logical data flow diagram as well as physical data flow diagram for
the above case. 15
b) Explain the format of Decision Tree with a suitable example. 5
2. Explain classical life cycle and prototyping approach to SDLC in detail. 10
3. Explain feasibility study and elaborate on Cost-Benefit analysis. 10
4. Design a Menu for Student Master Maintenance having facility Add, Edit, View.   10

5. What are the objectives of control, also explain various types of control '?

6. Write short notes on (any 4) :

a) Spiral Model.
b) System Proposal.
c) Functional Decomposition Diagram.
d) Design of Output.
e) RAD.

I. a) Rosary college of commerce is an underg] aduatfi college. The college receives sufficiently large number of application for admission to F. Y, S. Y and T. Y B.Com. classes. The college has decided to computerized its admission programme. The standard admission procedure requires adhering to the norms set by concerned government agencies the university and the college administration. The procedure also involves disbursing admission forms at a cost, collecting duly completed forms preparing merit lists and admitting the students as per norms, notifying student, collecting fees, preparing and submitting reports to the concerned authorities.
You are required to study the system.
a) Draw context level Dala flow diagram. 5
b) Draw Is* level Data flow diagram. 10 b) A co-operative bank will grant loans under the following conditions :

1) If a customer has an account with the bank and has no loan outstanding, loan will be granted.
2) If a customer has an account with the bank but some amount is outstanding from previous loans, then loan will be granted if special management approval is obtained.
3) Reject loan applications in all other cases.

Draw decision table for above policy. 5
2. Explain prototyping and spiral model in detail. 10
3. Explain feasibility study and various steps in developing system proposal. 10
4. What are the objectives of control ? Also explain types of security for information systems. 10
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