Monday, 14 November 2011

how to develop logic in java programming Language

Java programming logics with Examples question solving below questions you can develop logic in java.
1) What will happen, if main ( ) function is defined as private ?
2) "Package statement is always the first non-comment statement in Java". Stale true/false and justify.
3) What is ClassPath ?
4) List any 4 layout managers available in Java.
5) Write syntax of for loop for "for each" style.
2. a) Write an applet to simulates a traffic signal light with short delay between
states. 8
b) Explain JDBC drivers. 7
3. a) Explain object serialization. Write a program to copy the contents of one file
into another file. Accept file names using command line arguments. 8
b) Explain Servlet life-cycle. 7
4. a) Write a Servlet for e-mail registration with user id, password, name, dob. address
fields. Validate user id. If any user exist with same user id give proper message. Otherwise welcome user with message containing his/her user id and password.        10
b) Differentiate between function overloading and overriding. 5
5. a) i) Write a Java Socket program that runs on client and sends a message to
server at port 8080. The program should display appropriate message returned by server.
ii) Write a Java Socket program that runs on server at port 8080. which accepts
a message from client and send the same string lo client by changing the
case. ! 0
b) Explain Delegation Event Model in Java. 5
6. Write short notes on any 3 : 15
1) Thread synchronization
2) Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java
3) EJB Types
4) Finally clause in Exception Handling.
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