Principles Of Management Functions And Organisational Behaviour(ppmob) (New) pattern. pune university(mca).
l.a) Explain the need and scope of management in every type of organisation.
b) Explain, with examples, the managerial skil Is essential for efficient and effective
2. What do you understand by "Managerial Decision Making" ? Describe the various decision making environments with examples.
3. What are the different styles of "Leadership" ? Which one is more suitable for IT. Industry ? Why ?
4. What is conflict management ? How can conflicts be resolved in Organisations ?
5. Write a detailed note on " system approach lo management".
6. Explain " Johari window". Elaborate its utility in management of organisation.
7. Write short notes (any two):
1) "Organizing" - function of management
2) Types of Managers
3) H.R. approach to management.
4) Theory X and Theory Y.
1. a) "Henry fayol is known as futhcr of modern Management" discuss.
2. 1b) Define and explain the concept of "Management" Discuss its nature and scope.
3. Explain the term organisational behaviour along with its significance. Do you think that individual behaviour and self affects O.B ? - Discuss.
4. What is organisational structure ? Discuss the principles of organisational structure.
5. Define and distinguish between groups and teams and discuss process of effective team building.
6. Discuss theory x, y and z with its relevance to the IT industry.
7. Effective decision making is an essence of managerial success.
8. Write short note on (any 3):
9. I)-Types of manager
2) Johari window
3) Leadership style
4) Structured vs non structured decisions.
1. Discuss the various approaches to Ihe theory of Management.
a) Which according to you is most suitable in IT Industry ?
b) What arc the different levels of Management in a Formal Organization ?
2. Signify (he role of 'Decision Making' for improving organisational effectiveness. Discuss Herbert Simon's Model in brief.
3. Explain the term Motivation. Evaluate Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory.
4. Define the term 'Organizing'. Discuss various principles of Organizing.
5. What are the various BgO states ? How Transactional Analysis is used to Resolve conflicts ?
6. Write short notes (any 3) :
1) Line Vs. Staff organization.
2) Team building.
3) Leadership styles.
4) Planning function.
5) Group Dynamics.
. a) What is organisation ? Define principles of organisation and classify different
structures of oiganisation.
b) Explain Mc Gregor's theory of motivation.
2. Why the theory of Modern Management put forth by Henry Fayol is valid in recent times also ? Discuss.
3. What are the different skills and functions of manager ?
4. What are the causes of organisational conflicts ? Explain with the help of Johari Window.
5. "Effective decisions is a pre-requisite for future success" - Comment. What arc the factors responsible for decision making ? Explain various types of decisions.
6. Write short notes (any 3) :
1) OB Models
2) Transactional analysis
3) Leadership styles
4) Line and staff organisation
5) Types of control.
1. a) Why the theory of Modern Management put forth by Henry Fayol is valid in
recent time also ? Discuss.
b) Discuss Theory X and Theory Y of motivation.
2. Explain the term Organisational Behaviour along with its significance in IT Industries.
3. What are conflicts ? Elaborate various strategies to resolve conflicts.
4. Classify the different organizational structures with suitable examples.
5. What arc the different 'Leadership styles' ? What type of leadership style is effective in Informal Organisation ?
6. Write short notes on (any three) :
1) Decision Making Environment
2) Transactional Analysis
3) Managerial Skills
4) Team Building
5) 'Controlling'- function of management.
l.a) Explain the need and scope of management in every type of organisation.
b) Explain, with examples, the managerial skil Is essential for efficient and effective
2. What do you understand by "Managerial Decision Making" ? Describe the various decision making environments with examples.
3. What are the different styles of "Leadership" ? Which one is more suitable for IT. Industry ? Why ?
4. What is conflict management ? How can conflicts be resolved in Organisations ?
5. Write a detailed note on " system approach lo management".
6. Explain " Johari window". Elaborate its utility in management of organisation.
7. Write short notes (any two):
1) "Organizing" - function of management
2) Types of Managers
3) H.R. approach to management.
4) Theory X and Theory Y.
1. a) "Henry fayol is known as futhcr of modern Management" discuss.
2. 1b) Define and explain the concept of "Management" Discuss its nature and scope.
3. Explain the term organisational behaviour along with its significance. Do you think that individual behaviour and self affects O.B ? - Discuss.
4. What is organisational structure ? Discuss the principles of organisational structure.
5. Define and distinguish between groups and teams and discuss process of effective team building.
6. Discuss theory x, y and z with its relevance to the IT industry.
7. Effective decision making is an essence of managerial success.
8. Write short note on (any 3):
9. I)-Types of manager
2) Johari window
3) Leadership style
4) Structured vs non structured decisions.
1. Discuss the various approaches to Ihe theory of Management.
a) Which according to you is most suitable in IT Industry ?
b) What arc the different levels of Management in a Formal Organization ?
2. Signify (he role of 'Decision Making' for improving organisational effectiveness. Discuss Herbert Simon's Model in brief.
3. Explain the term Motivation. Evaluate Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory.
4. Define the term 'Organizing'. Discuss various principles of Organizing.
5. What are the various BgO states ? How Transactional Analysis is used to Resolve conflicts ?
6. Write short notes (any 3) :
1) Line Vs. Staff organization.
2) Team building.
3) Leadership styles.
4) Planning function.
5) Group Dynamics.
. a) What is organisation ? Define principles of organisation and classify different
structures of oiganisation.
b) Explain Mc Gregor's theory of motivation.
2. Why the theory of Modern Management put forth by Henry Fayol is valid in recent times also ? Discuss.
3. What are the different skills and functions of manager ?
4. What are the causes of organisational conflicts ? Explain with the help of Johari Window.
5. "Effective decisions is a pre-requisite for future success" - Comment. What arc the factors responsible for decision making ? Explain various types of decisions.
6. Write short notes (any 3) :
1) OB Models
2) Transactional analysis
3) Leadership styles
4) Line and staff organisation
5) Types of control.
1. a) Why the theory of Modern Management put forth by Henry Fayol is valid in
recent time also ? Discuss.
b) Discuss Theory X and Theory Y of motivation.
2. Explain the term Organisational Behaviour along with its significance in IT Industries.
3. What are conflicts ? Elaborate various strategies to resolve conflicts.
4. Classify the different organizational structures with suitable examples.
5. What arc the different 'Leadership styles' ? What type of leadership style is effective in Informal Organisation ?
6. Write short notes on (any three) :
1) Decision Making Environment
2) Transactional Analysis
3) Managerial Skills
4) Team Building
5) 'Controlling'- function of management.