a) What will be the output of following program
class a {
{ cout«" 1" ; ) ~a( ) I cout « M 2 "; ( class b : a
b( )
{ cout « " 3"; ) ~b( )
{ coul « " 4 )
void main ( ) I
b obj ; I
b) Is new better than malloc ( ) ? Justify your answer.
c) Explain Ihe output of the following :
class mca
public : int a; private : int b; protected : int c ;
void main( ) I
mca obj 1;
cout « obj I.a «obj l.b « obj l.c;
d) Explain output :
main ( ) {
char s [ ] = "man" ; inl t ;
for(i = 0;s[i];i++)
cout «\ n« s[i] «* (s + i) «* (i + s) « i[s] ; )
e) # include < iostream.h>
void main ( )
inl n = 5. fact = 1 ; while (n >1) fact * = n - -;
cout « \ n « factorial value < < \ n « fact ; 1
0 Explain bool dala type in C++.
2.a) What is Object Oriented Programming ? Explain features of OOP in detail. , b) What is Class Templates 7 Explain its uses in detail.
3. a) Write a program to design a class for addition of two objects using friend
b) Write a C++ program to design a class 'String' and overload operator + for concatenation of two strings.
4. What constructor and Destructor ? Write a program to demonstrate invocation of
Constructor and Destructor in multiple inheritance.
| 5.a) What is Run Time Type Information (RTTI) 7 Explain with suitable example, b) Write a C++ program illustrating NAMESPACE for addition of 2x2 matrix.
6. Define a class date with suitable constructor method. Write a member function to swap two dale objects. Write a function to validate the date.
7.a) What is library function < cmath > ? Explain with a C++ program for sqrt.
b) What is relational operator 7 Write a C++ program illustrating equal to (= =) operator.
5. Write a program in C++ that consist of two classes time 12 and time 24. The first
one maintains lime on 12-hour basis whereas the other one maintains it on 24-
hour basis. Provide conversion functions to carry out the conversions from object
of one type to another.
There are UK) records present in a file. Each record containing 6-character Ilem_Codi\ 20-character ltvm_Namc and an Integer Quantity. Write a program in C++ to read these records arrange them in the ascending order and write them in the same file overwriting the earlier records.