Sunday, 13 November 2011

Operating System And Concepts

Operating System And Concepts
 Operating System And Concepts
(2005 Pattern) question papers  | pune university.

1. a) What is IPC ? What are the various schemes available ?
b) Differentiate between swapping and paging.
c) Explain short, long, medium term scheduling.

2. Explain popular multiprocessor thread scheduling strategies.
3. Explain NOS architecture in detail.
4. a) Explain various CPU scheduling criterias. b) Define and explain critical section problem.
5. What happens when you execute a program and command in unix ?
6. a) Explain segmented memory management with suitable example, b) Explain various disk performance issues in detail.
7. Write short notes on any three :

a) Monitor
b) Region
c) Virtual Machine
d) Global OS

1. a) What are various processor scheduling evaluation methods ? Explain the
analytical approach with example. 5
b) Write in short (2 marks each): 10
i) What is context switching ?
ii) Why the page size of logical memory is considered as the power of 2 ?
iii) What is medium term schedular ?
iv) What is Thrashing ?
v) Abstract view of OS.
2. Explain in detail the different operations which takes place on process by Operating System right from its creation to termination. 10
3. Differentiate between paging and segmentation. Explain the address translation mechanism in paging in detail. 10
4. Define IPC. Explain in detail that how IPC is implemented in client-server system.      10
5. What are different issues related to Disk performance ? Explain any two disk scheduling algorithms with suitable example. 10
6. Define Distributed OS and Centralized OS. Explain the NOS architecture in detail.      10
Write short notes on any three: 15
a) Dining philosopher problem and solution using monitor.
b) Virtual Machine. :) RAD Structure.

1. Describe (he action taken by Kernel to Switch context between processes. 10
2. How Communication in client-server takes place ? Explain sockets, RPCs and RMI in detail. 10
3. Explain in detail segmentation memory management with neat diagram. 10
4. Explain various techniques to improve performance of secondary storage. 10
5. What is the TLB ? Explain in detail. 10
6. What are the Unix System Calls for I/O ? 10
7. Write short note on (any 4): 20

a) Global Operating System ■
b) Acyclic Graph Directory
c) Boot block
e) Monitor

1. Describe in detail Disk Scheduling algorithm.
2. Describe ihe Network File System. Explain NFS and mount protocols. 10
3. Write in detail, what is page fault ? 10
4. Explain the RAID structure.
5. What arc the types of Distributed OS ? and Explain NOS architecture, 10
6. Describe how can Deadlock prevent and avoid.
7. Write a short notes on (any four): 20

1) Critical Section Problem.
2) Distributed Vs. Centralized OS.
3) Deadlock recovery.
4) Demand Paging. •
5) Interprocess Communication.
6) Simulation.