Monday, 14 November 2011

Case study for Software Engineering with example

Case study for Software Engineering .
 The railway rcservalion system functions as follows ;
The passenger is required to fill in a reservation form giving detail of his journey. The counter clerk ensures whether the place is available. If so, entries arc made in i register, tickets are prepared, amount is computed and cash is accepted. A booking slatcment is prepared in triplicate format from the reservation register. One copy ol"it is retained as office copy, the other is pasted on compartment and third is passed on to the train conductor. Besides booking statement, cash statement is prepared at the end of each shift.
Prepare SRS and system specification for above system.                                                                                 
2. Draw a suitable data entry screens to enter daily attendance of MCA class for
iflerent subjects (Theory and Practical) with pmper GUI based validation controls.     
I. Describe software configuration management process in detail.                                                                   
I. Explain inspection process, composition of inspection team and defects loading
in detail.
 Explain features and components of CASE tool.                                                                                                
STAR Scooter I.Id. has issued an advertisement calling applications for various
posts, After receiving applications scrutiny will be made and interview letters will
be sent. Deserving candidates will be selected through interviews and will be
appointed as regular employees. Draw DFD upto first level level for above case.
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FYJC XI standard online admisson Process and declaraton of Merit list . Cut off List For prevous year also . 10 Th Results onlne declaraton Maharashtra Region .

1 comment:

  1. Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them. See the link below for more info.

