Monday, 14 November 2011

Programming Languages And Paradigms

Programming Languages And Paradigms question papers
. A) Explain the structure showing stages from original syntax to executable form
of a typical compiler. 7
B) Define and explain briefly (any two) : 8
a) Variables
b) Constants
c) Literals.

2. A) Explain organization of a conventional computer. 7
B) Define and explain the concepts (any 2) : 8
i) Inheritance
ii) Polymorphism
iii) Encapsulation.
3. A) What is software simulation ? How a language is actually implemented ?        7
B) Explain attributes of a good language. 8
4. Write short notes on (any 3) : 15

a) Translator (source to object language).
b) Binding times classes.
c) Assignment and initialization in any programming language.
d) Object oriented programming language.
5. Distinguish between (any 4) : 20
a) Sequential files and direct access files.
b) Recursive and call return subprograms.
c) Stacks and queues.
d) Logic programming language and functional language.

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