Sunday, 13 November 2011

How to learn computer network with Questions

How to learn computer network with Questions
Learn computer nework by solving questions.
By solving given questions you can learn computer networks in easy way.
2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
1. A) Explain in detail E-mail Protocols. 10 B) What is DNS ? Explain DNS resolving process in detail. 10
2. What is firewall ? Explain different types of firewalls and also rules and policies
on firewall. 10
3. Explain LAN accessing techniques - CSMA/CD and polling in detail.             10
4. Explain in detail DHCP & scope resolution. 10
5. Explain in detail sliding window and TCP connection. 10
6. Explain HTTP Communication in detail. 10
7. Write short notes (any four): (4x5=20)
i) Packet switching
ii) Bridge
iii) Ethernet Network
iv) Brodband ISDN
v) Problems with SNMP
vi) IPV4 Vs IPV6.

Computer Networks interview important questions

Computer Networks  interview  important questions
Computer Networks  interview  important questions 

a) Explain DHCP in detail. Explain scope resolution in DHCP with example.    
Explain various components used in building LAN.
xplain E-mail procedure using message structure, addressing, sending and
Explain various IP addressing scheme with example.
Explain SNMP organisation and problems with SNMP.
What is firewall ? Explain firewall policies and rules.
Compare 1PV4 and 1PV6 datagram structure.
a) Circuit switching
b) Connection-Oriented networks
c) Cable transmission media
e) X.25 network
f) Datalink layer in OS I model.

Computer Networks Question papers Mca Pune university

Computer Networks Question papers Mca Pune university
 Computer Networks (New Course) (2005 Pattern).
Computer Networks(CN) Question papers Mca Pune university
l.a) What is DNS and DNS protocols ? How delegation of-authority is executed in
DNS ? 10
b) Explain TCP as a reliable protocol. 10
2. Explain REQUEST and RESPONSE in HTTP communication. 10
3. What is VPN ? Explain IP Sec Protocol's role in VPN communication. 10
4. Explain various components used in building a local area network. 10
5. Explain DHLP scope resolution with example. 10
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6. Write short notes (any four) : " (4x5=20)
i) ATM traffic management
ii) IP routing
iii) Firewall
iv) Topologies
v) Gigabyte Network
vi) Data-Link Layer in OSI model.