Sunday, 13 November 2011

Object Oriented Analysis And Design(ooad) (2005 Pattern ) | Mca | pune university

Object Oriented Analysis And Design(ooad) (2005 Pattern ) | Mca | pune university question papers with marks.

I. a) A Premier Institute has well-stocked Library providing services to various members viz., students, research scholars, faculty members, visiting staff, staff. The Library has books, journals, periodicals, magazines, newspapers and CDs. A member can borrow a book for a period of one week, journals and periodicals for two days and CD for one day. A fine of Rs. 5A per day will be charged for not reluming on time. The rules for issuing number of books are as follows :
Students - 2 books
Research scholars - 3 books
Faculty members - 5 books
Visiting staff      - 3 books

To avail the additional books every member has to obtain a special permission from their respective MOD. Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for
the above case. 15

b) Explain polymorphism and Encapsulation with examples. 5
2. Describe the four phases of RUP in detail. 10
3. Compare Grady Booch Methodology with OMT. 10
4. a) Draw a sequence diagram for sending an SMS to your friend through your
mobile phone. 5
b) Compare object oriented versus relational database. 5
5. Draw an activity diagram for different operations in ATM. 10

6. A temperature controller has been interfaced with a manufacturing unit in a factory which maintains the moderate temperature of 50°C. If the temperature goes beyond/below the moderate temperature the unit activates cooling/heating units respectively and indicates through different signals. Draw a state diagram for the above ease. 10
7. Write short notes on any two : (5x2=10)
i) CRC
ii) Any two patterns
iii) Test cases.

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