b) What are user defined manipulators ? Illustrate with sample program.
3. a) Write a program to display the number of objects created using static data
b) What is Namespace ? Explain the nested namespaces with an example.
4. What is a Constructor ? Explain its uses. Write a program to demonstrate dynamic constructor and parameterized constructor.
5. What are the rules for operator overloading ? Write a program to overload '*' operator to perform matrix multiplication.
6 Explain all types of inheritance with suitable example for each type."
7. An ABC company has the following details of their employees in the file
"emp. dat".
1) Empld
2) Emp Name
3) Emp Address
4) Emp Dept (Admin /Sales /Production / IT)
5) Emp phone
6) Emp Age.
Write a program to read the above file. Create new files such as adm.dat, Sal.dat, Pro. dat, IT.dat respectively, to store the employee details according to their department.
8. Write short notes on the following :
a) New Style Cast.
b) Standard Template Library.
c) Exception Handling.