OOAD tricks with tips
Mention the assumptions made for solving case study.
1. a) Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for a placement agency site who
provides the facility for candidates to register with their academic details,
personal details and skill set. Site also gives provision to update their profiles.
Organizations can also register with their requirements. Search facility is
provided to search job and suitable candidates.
b) Explain the Association with Objects.
2. Compare 'Structured System Analysis and Design 1 and 'Object Oriented Analysis
and Design'.
3. Describe the steps involved in constructing the object modeling and functional modeling using OMT.
4. a) Explain the multi-tiered architecture. 6 b) Draw the sequence diagram for sending an e-mail.
5. Draw the Activity Diagram for the following bank transactions :
a) Money Deposit
b) Amount Withdrawal
c) Request for Debit/Credit Card
d) Checking the Balance.
6. Draw the state transition diagram for the fully automated washing machine.
7. Write short notes on any two:
a) Patterns.
b) Guidelines for developing test cases.
c) Guidelines for designing the user interface.
Mention the assumptions made for solving case study.
1. a) Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for a placement agency site who
provides the facility for candidates to register with their academic details,
personal details and skill set. Site also gives provision to update their profiles.
Organizations can also register with their requirements. Search facility is
provided to search job and suitable candidates.
b) Explain the Association with Objects.
2. Compare 'Structured System Analysis and Design 1 and 'Object Oriented Analysis
and Design'.
3. Describe the steps involved in constructing the object modeling and functional modeling using OMT.
4. a) Explain the multi-tiered architecture. 6 b) Draw the sequence diagram for sending an e-mail.
5. Draw the Activity Diagram for the following bank transactions :
a) Money Deposit
b) Amount Withdrawal
c) Request for Debit/Credit Card
d) Checking the Balance.
6. Draw the state transition diagram for the fully automated washing machine.
7. Write short notes on any two:
a) Patterns.
b) Guidelines for developing test cases.
c) Guidelines for designing the user interface.