Monday, 14 November 2011

OOAD tricks with tips with practical example

OOAD tricks with tips with practical example
OOAD tricks with tips
 Mention the assumptions made for solving case study.
1. a) Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for a placement agency site who
provides the facility for candidates to register with their academic details,
personal details and skill set. Site also gives provision to update their profiles.
Organizations can also register with their requirements. Search facility is
provided to search job and suitable candidates.
b) Explain the Association with Objects.

2. Compare 'Structured System Analysis and Design 1 and 'Object Oriented Analysis
and Design'.
3. Describe the steps involved in constructing the object modeling and functional modeling using OMT.
4. a) Explain the multi-tiered architecture. 6 b) Draw the sequence diagram for sending an e-mail.
5. Draw the Activity Diagram for the following bank transactions :

a) Money Deposit
b) Amount Withdrawal
c) Request for Debit/Credit Card
d) Checking the Balance.

6. Draw the state transition diagram for the fully automated washing machine.      
7. Write short notes on any two:

a) Patterns.
b) Guidelines for developing test cases.
c) Guidelines for designing the user interface.

How to learn OOAD with questions

How to learn OOAD with questions
How to learn OOAD with questions , the question will come in your mind when you will think about ooad so here i  have given some important question about OOAD try to implement it as soon as possible.

a)Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for a Customer order from a retail catalog. The payment can be done by either cash, cheque or credit card. The order contains order details with its associated items. Pending order reports arc generated periodically. Rejected or damaged goods are returned with GRN.      
b)Compare Objects and Classes.
, Discuss the structure of Class Responsibility Collaborator approach with an
Explain the steps of Grady Booch notations of OO methodology with example.    
Discuss the categories of patterns with example.
a) Explain the four phases of Rational Unified Process.
b) Draw the sequence diagram for contacting a person using a Mobile Phone.      
MCA admission procedure is as follows:
a) DTE Advertises the date of MCA Entrance examinations.
b) Student has to apply for the entrance examination.
c) Results announced by DTE
d) Student has to fill up the option form to select the college of his/her choice.
e) DTE displays allotment list in the web site and intimation to all colleges.
0 Students should visit the allotted colleges and complete the admission procedure.
Draw the Activity Diagram for the above process.
Draw the state transition diagram for Online shopping of Books.
a) Narrate the guidelines for developing the test plans.
b) Discuss the framework of Persistent Objects.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Object Oriented Analysis And Design(ooad) (2005 Pattern ) | Mca | pune university

Object Oriented Analysis And Design(ooad) (2005 Pattern ) | Mca | pune university
Object Oriented Analysis And Design(ooad) (2005 Pattern ) | Mca | pune university question papers with marks.

I. a) A Premier Institute has well-stocked Library providing services to various members viz., students, research scholars, faculty members, visiting staff, staff. The Library has books, journals, periodicals, magazines, newspapers and CDs. A member can borrow a book for a period of one week, journals and periodicals for two days and CD for one day. A fine of Rs. 5A per day will be charged for not reluming on time. The rules for issuing number of books are as follows :
Students - 2 books
Research scholars - 3 books
Faculty members - 5 books
Visiting staff      - 3 books

To avail the additional books every member has to obtain a special permission from their respective MOD. Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for
the above case. 15

b) Explain polymorphism and Encapsulation with examples. 5
2. Describe the four phases of RUP in detail. 10
3. Compare Grady Booch Methodology with OMT. 10
4. a) Draw a sequence diagram for sending an SMS to your friend through your
mobile phone. 5
b) Compare object oriented versus relational database. 5
5. Draw an activity diagram for different operations in ATM. 10

6. A temperature controller has been interfaced with a manufacturing unit in a factory which maintains the moderate temperature of 50°C. If the temperature goes beyond/below the moderate temperature the unit activates cooling/heating units respectively and indicates through different signals. Draw a state diagram for the above ease. 10
7. Write short notes on any two : (5x2=10)
i) CRC
ii) Any two patterns
iii) Test cases.