Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Note: I) Q. 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any 3 questions from remaining
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. What is the importance of Encryption in E-Commerce security ? Explain the usage of encryption in digital signature. 10
2. a) Write a perl code for accepting one odd and one even length arrays of numbers.
Display the median and length of each array. 10
b) Explain various JSP directives and actions. 10
3. a) Discuss error handling in ASP with example. 10
b) Write Php code to accept and insert customer details from customer. After
successful insertion, display customer details in proper format. (Assume suitable
fields). 10
4. a) Write jsp code for accepting parameter book id from Html page. Verify it
with book table (Assume suitable fields). If book id already exists then display
its details. If not, insert new details into table. 10
b) Discuss in detail session management in Php. 10
5. a) Explain CGI architecture and various features of Perl. 10
b) Write ASP code for displaying following information with the help of patient
and room tables. Assume suitable structure for tables. 10
a) Blood-groupwise patient details
b) Room typewise patient details