Monday, 14 November 2011

Management Of Software Projects

Management Of Software Projects
Management Of Software Projects | pune university question papers.with marks.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
a) A software consultancy proposes to establish an installation lor its computer
environment like -
1) One server and 20 workstations.
2) 40 persons in the IT department.
3) Work is related to the s/w development.
4) Setup will be in heavy use approximately.

(20 hours all 7 days) An area of 2000 Sq. ft is earmarked for the installation in a new building where the above setup will be implemented.
As an IT professional working for the company you are required to prepare a
report for advising the management about the required design, physical layout
and other necessary equipments for the proposed setup. (15)
b) Write the steps for recruiting IT persons.        ' (5)

Describe the importance of s/w quality standards. Compare and contrast the two
quality standards ISO and CMM. (15)

Describe with suitable examples the s/w cost estimation techniques. Why FPA is
so critical in s/w projects ? (15)

What is s/w testing ? Hxplain various testing strategies in detail. Compare alpha
and beta testing. (15)

What is s/w configuration management 7 Define the s/w configuration management process in detail. How they s/w version relates to s/w release ?     (15)
Write short notes on (any three) : (15)
a) Software maintenance
b) Rayleigh curve
c) Project scheduling techniques
d) s/w security.

how to develop logic in java programming Language

how to develop logic in java programming Language
Java programming logics with Examples question solving below questions you can develop logic in java.
1) What will happen, if main ( ) function is defined as private ?
2) "Package statement is always the first non-comment statement in Java". Stale true/false and justify.
3) What is ClassPath ?
4) List any 4 layout managers available in Java.
5) Write syntax of for loop for "for each" style.
2. a) Write an applet to simulates a traffic signal light with short delay between
states. 8
b) Explain JDBC drivers. 7
3. a) Explain object serialization. Write a program to copy the contents of one file
into another file. Accept file names using command line arguments. 8
b) Explain Servlet life-cycle. 7
4. a) Write a Servlet for e-mail registration with user id, password, name, dob. address
fields. Validate user id. If any user exist with same user id give proper message. Otherwise welcome user with message containing his/her user id and password.        10
b) Differentiate between function overloading and overriding. 5
5. a) i) Write a Java Socket program that runs on client and sends a message to
server at port 8080. The program should display appropriate message returned by server.
ii) Write a Java Socket program that runs on server at port 8080. which accepts
a message from client and send the same string lo client by changing the
case. ! 0
b) Explain Delegation Event Model in Java. 5
6. Write short notes on any 3 : 15
1) Thread synchronization
2) Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java
3) EJB Types
4) Finally clause in Exception Handling.

Java Programming Interview questions with model paper

Java Programming Interview questions with model paper
Java Programming Interview questions with model paper
I. Answer the following with justification.
1) Interfaces cannot be extended.
a) True b) False
2) Import statement is always the first non-comment statement in Java program file.
a) True b) False
3) Which of the following interfaces does not have any method or member variable.
a) Serializable c) Runnable
b) Comparable d) Cloneablc.
4) A catch clause may catch exceptions of which type ?
a) Throwable Type c) Exception Type
b) Error Type d) Siring Type
5) The doCret () and doPost () methods are of HTTP servlet class,
a) True b) False

a) Write an applet to display scrolling text from right to left in an applet window,
using Thread. Text should be accepted by HTML parameter.
b) Explain session tracking in servlet. 7
I. a) Differentiate between Byle stream and character stream. Write a program to merge two files into third file.
 Accept file names using command line arguments. (Use Byte Streams).
b) Explain steps involved in RMI application with example.

4. a) Wrilc a servlet to accept students information from HTML page, and store the
details in a database.
(Note : Take suitable fields, student table is already present), b) Explain the scopes of access specifiers in Java.

5. a) i) Write a Java Socket program that runs on client and sends a file name to
server at port 8000. The program should display appropriate message returned by server.
ii) Write a Java socket program that runs on server at port 8000, which accepts a
file name from client and checks file exists or not and returns proper message
to client. I
b) Explain Inner class with example.
6. Write short notes on any 3 :
1) EJB Architecture.
2) Adapter classes.
3) Layout managers.
4) Class Object in Java.

Java Programming 2005 - Pattern | New | Mca Pune university

Java Programming 2005 - Pattern |  New | Mca Pune university
  Java Programming (2005 - Pattern) (New).
Java Programming 2005 - Pattern |  New | Mca Pune university question papers.
1. Solve the following : 10
a) What is Inet Address ?
b) How to instantiate Httpsession object ?
c) Differentiate between abstract and final keywords.
d) What is connection pooling ?
e) List different types of EJB.

2. a) Write server side socket program to accept file name from client. Server will
reverse the contents and send as response.
b) Write client side socket program to accept filename from user and send to
server. Display the response received from server.
3. Write an applet application which will display colours in list box and a scrolling banner which scrolls to right. When user selects any colour from list, change the colour of scrolling banner ?
4. Write a RMI application to do the following :
' Client will accept a string from user and communicates to the server. Client will invoke find vowel count - remote method on server, using accepted string and display vowel count from that string.
Write all required classes or interfaces.

5. Accept mobile HANDSET details through HTML page. Pass the accepted details to servlet. Servlet will insert record in HANDSET table with values received from HTML page. Servlet will send response as whether record is inserted or not. Assume suitable table structure.
6. Write notes on (any 3) : a) Java. io. File class b) Thread life cycle c) Session tracking in servlets d) EJB architecture.

Web Supporting Technologies (New) pattern |Mca |pune university

Web Supporting Technologies (New) pattern |Mca |pune university
Web Supporting Technologies (New) pattern |Mca |pune university question papers with marks.

3. a) Design HTML form lo reserve a 'Air Ticket'. Take suitable fields. Using
Java script check validations for:
i) From and To city are 2 different cities
ii) Age of passengers should not be greater than 90
iii) Name should have 25 characters and doesn't have any special character or
b) What is CSS ? Describe the types to create CSS.

4. a) Write a VB Script code for accepting numeric value. If first button is active
convert number to Binary and If second click convert number to Octal.
Enter No       : Converted No:
Binary Octal

b) Write the difference between DTD and Schema.

5. a) Write a code for creating following external stylesheet.
i) Color of text should be 'Navy'
ii) Text having 13 font-size. Times New Roman font, and Italic
iii) Three types of hyperlinks with mentioned color
visited-red, active-blue, current-maroon
iv) Set border for paragraph in 'Magenta' color.
b) What is WWW ? Explain Three Tier Architecture of web based application.
6. Write short notes on following (any 3):
1) Features of XML.
2) Error Handling in VB Script.
3) Types of lists in HTML.
4) String object in Java Script.

2) Solve any four from remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Explain following tags with basic attributes :


a) <body>
b) <marquee>
c) <frame>
d) <img>
e) <form>
2. a) Write a Javascript code to calculate Sales Commission as per the total sales
value is entered. Accept total sales in Rs. in a text box, after clicking on a 'Find Commission' button, display the commission value in a new text box. No one should be able to change the value of commission, directly in a text box. Criteria : Sales <50 then comm = 0 Sales >50 and sales <=500 then comm = 10% of sales.
Sales >500 then comm = 50 + 8% of sales. 8
b) What is XML ? Write the difference between XML-DTD and XMl^schema.       7
3. a) What is a style-sheet ? Explain font, background and text style options in
detail. 8
b) Explain Window and Navigator objects in Javascript. 7

4. a) Write a VBscript code to validate customers entry form. Validation
criterias are: 8
i) Name should have 25 characters and doesn't have any special Characters/
ii) Address should have 200 characters.
iii) Credit card number must be a 16-digit number.
b) What is Image mapping ? Explain the types of Image mapping with examples.       7

a) Design XML file lo store the details of a bill with elements like billNo, billdate,
PONO, billamt, billdue date. Using XMLDSO display the details in HTML
with proper formatting. 8
b) How to create array in VB script ? Explain any 5 array functions. 7
Write short notes on any 3 :                                                                  15
a) W3C
c) Web Hosting
d) <script> tag.

1. What is XML-DSO ? Display the contents of any XML document using XMLDSO object. 10
2. a) Write a Javascript code which will display Patient Master Form, having
following fields Patient Id, Patient name, address, city, contact no.. Date of
Birth. Validate above fields with different criterias. 8

b) What is www ? Explain 3-tier architecture. 7

3. a) Write an External CSS for including following styles.
Apply styles on any HTML page 8
i) Paragraph with Background Image
ii) Align hi text in center of web page
iii) h2 with right indent lOpx
iv) Table with blue border at Top and Bottom
b) Explain string object and date object in VB script. 7
4. a) Write a VB script code to design a arithmetic calculator.
8 b) Explain Document object model in Java script. 7
5. a) What is Image Mapping ? Explain client side Image map.
8 b) Explain simple sheet using XSLT with example. 7
6. Write short notes on any 3 : (5x3=15)

a) < frameset > lag
b) Classes in CSS
c) Error Handling in VB script
d) Web Publishing.

Explain Client and Server side Image mapping with example.
a) Explain Document Object Model (DOM).
b) Consider given XML document.

< ? rem I version = "l.0"> <info> <stud>
<name> Nila </name>
<Address> Tilak Road, Mumbai </Address>
<phone> 12345 </phone>
<age> 20 </age>
<email-id> </cmail-id> </stud> <stud>
<name> Rahul </namc>
<Address> M.G. Road, Pune </Address>
<phone> 67890 </phone>
<age> 21 </age>
<email-id> </email-id> </stud> </info>
Display the content of above document in Table format using XMLDSO

OOAD tricks with tips with practical example

OOAD tricks with tips with practical example
OOAD tricks with tips
 Mention the assumptions made for solving case study.
1. a) Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for a placement agency site who
provides the facility for candidates to register with their academic details,
personal details and skill set. Site also gives provision to update their profiles.
Organizations can also register with their requirements. Search facility is
provided to search job and suitable candidates.
b) Explain the Association with Objects.

2. Compare 'Structured System Analysis and Design 1 and 'Object Oriented Analysis
and Design'.
3. Describe the steps involved in constructing the object modeling and functional modeling using OMT.
4. a) Explain the multi-tiered architecture. 6 b) Draw the sequence diagram for sending an e-mail.
5. Draw the Activity Diagram for the following bank transactions :

a) Money Deposit
b) Amount Withdrawal
c) Request for Debit/Credit Card
d) Checking the Balance.

6. Draw the state transition diagram for the fully automated washing machine.      
7. Write short notes on any two:

a) Patterns.
b) Guidelines for developing test cases.
c) Guidelines for designing the user interface.

How to learn OOAD with questions

How to learn OOAD with questions
How to learn OOAD with questions , the question will come in your mind when you will think about ooad so here i  have given some important question about OOAD try to implement it as soon as possible.

a)Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for a Customer order from a retail catalog. The payment can be done by either cash, cheque or credit card. The order contains order details with its associated items. Pending order reports arc generated periodically. Rejected or damaged goods are returned with GRN.      
b)Compare Objects and Classes.
, Discuss the structure of Class Responsibility Collaborator approach with an
Explain the steps of Grady Booch notations of OO methodology with example.    
Discuss the categories of patterns with example.
a) Explain the four phases of Rational Unified Process.
b) Draw the sequence diagram for contacting a person using a Mobile Phone.      
MCA admission procedure is as follows:
a) DTE Advertises the date of MCA Entrance examinations.
b) Student has to apply for the entrance examination.
c) Results announced by DTE
d) Student has to fill up the option form to select the college of his/her choice.
e) DTE displays allotment list in the web site and intimation to all colleges.
0 Students should visit the allotted colleges and complete the admission procedure.
Draw the Activity Diagram for the above process.
Draw the state transition diagram for Online shopping of Books.
a) Narrate the guidelines for developing the test plans.
b) Discuss the framework of Persistent Objects.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Object Oriented Analysis And Design(ooad) (2005 Pattern ) | Mca | pune university

Object Oriented Analysis And Design(ooad) (2005 Pattern ) | Mca | pune university
Object Oriented Analysis And Design(ooad) (2005 Pattern ) | Mca | pune university question papers with marks.

I. a) A Premier Institute has well-stocked Library providing services to various members viz., students, research scholars, faculty members, visiting staff, staff. The Library has books, journals, periodicals, magazines, newspapers and CDs. A member can borrow a book for a period of one week, journals and periodicals for two days and CD for one day. A fine of Rs. 5A per day will be charged for not reluming on time. The rules for issuing number of books are as follows :
Students - 2 books
Research scholars - 3 books
Faculty members - 5 books
Visiting staff      - 3 books

To avail the additional books every member has to obtain a special permission from their respective MOD. Draw the use case diagram and class diagram for
the above case. 15

b) Explain polymorphism and Encapsulation with examples. 5
2. Describe the four phases of RUP in detail. 10
3. Compare Grady Booch Methodology with OMT. 10
4. a) Draw a sequence diagram for sending an SMS to your friend through your
mobile phone. 5
b) Compare object oriented versus relational database. 5
5. Draw an activity diagram for different operations in ATM. 10

6. A temperature controller has been interfaced with a manufacturing unit in a factory which maintains the moderate temperature of 50°C. If the temperature goes beyond/below the moderate temperature the unit activates cooling/heating units respectively and indicates through different signals. Draw a state diagram for the above ease. 10
7. Write short notes on any two : (5x2=10)
i) CRC
ii) Any two patterns
iii) Test cases.

c++(cpp) cplusplus examples with questions

c++(cpp) cplusplus examples with questions
Learn  object oriented programming language with given questions and develop the logic.
a) What will be the output of following program
class a {
{ cout«" 1" ; ) ~a( ) I cout « M 2 "; ( class b : a
b( )
{ cout « " 3"; ) ~b( )
{ coul « " 4    )
void main ( ) I
b obj ; I
b) Is new better than malloc ( ) ? Justify your answer.

c) Explain Ihe output of the following :
class mca
public : int a; private : int b; protected : int c ;
void main( ) I
mca obj 1;
cout « obj I.a «obj l.b « obj l.c;

d) Explain output :
main ( ) {
char s [ ] = "man" ; inl t ;
for(i = 0;s[i];i++)
cout «\ n« s[i] «* (s + i) «* (i + s) « i[s] ; )

e) # include < iostream.h>
void main ( )
inl n = 5. fact = 1 ; while (n >1) fact * = n - -;
cout « \ n « factorial value < < \ n « fact ; 1
0 Explain bool dala type in C++.

2.a) What is Object Oriented Programming ? Explain features of OOP in detail. , b) What is Class Templates 7 Explain its uses in detail.

3. a) Write a program to design a class for addition of two objects using friend
b) Write a C++ program to design a class 'String' and overload operator + for concatenation of two strings.
4. What constructor and Destructor ? Write a program to demonstrate invocation of
Constructor and Destructor in multiple inheritance.
| 5.a) What is Run Time Type Information (RTTI) 7 Explain with suitable example, b) Write a C++ program illustrating NAMESPACE for addition of 2x2 matrix.
6. Define a class date with suitable constructor method. Write a member function to swap two dale objects. Write a function to validate the date.

7.a) What is library function < cmath > ? Explain with a C++ program for sqrt.
b) What is relational operator 7 Write a C++ program illustrating equal to (= =) operator.
5. Write a program in C++ that consist of two classes time 12 and time 24. The first
one maintains lime on 12-hour basis whereas the other one maintains it on 24-
hour basis. Provide conversion functions to carry out the conversions from object
of one type to another.
There are UK) records present in a file. Each record containing 6-character Ilem_Codi\ 20-character ltvm_Namc and an Integer Quantity. Write a program in C++ to read these records arrange them in the ascending order and write them in the same file overwriting the earlier records.

c++(cpp) interview questions with example

c++(cpp) interview questions with example
c++ interview questions with example
b) What are user defined manipulators ? Illustrate with sample program.
3. a) Write a program to display the number of objects created using static data
b) What is Namespace ? Explain the nested namespaces with an example.
4. What is a Constructor ? Explain its uses. Write a program to demonstrate dynamic constructor and parameterized constructor.
5. What are the rules for operator overloading ? Write a program to overload '*' operator to perform matrix multiplication.

6 Explain all types of inheritance with suitable example for each type."

7. An ABC company has the following details of their employees in the file
"emp. dat".
1) Empld
2) Emp Name
3) Emp Address
4) Emp Dept (Admin /Sales /Production / IT)
5) Emp phone
6) Emp Age.
Write a program to read the above file. Create new files such as adm.dat, Sal.dat, Pro. dat, IT.dat respectively, to store the employee details according to their department.
8. Write short notes on the following :
a) New Style Cast.
b) Standard Template Library.
c) Exception Handling.

Object Oriented Programming Using C++ | Mca Pune university

Object Oriented Programming Using C++ | Mca Pune university
Object Oriented Programming Using C++ (New) pattern question papers with marks.

Explain what will be the output of following program
| A)
#include <iostrcam.h>
void main(void)
{ char str[] = "the boring stuff";
char *p = "that's interesting";
cout«end 1 «(void')p;

#include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h>
void main(void)
 int i = 650;
float a = 425.123;
cout«setiosflags(ios::showbase/ios::uppcrcase); cout«i«endl; cout.precision(4);

C) #include <math.h>
 #include <sidio.h>
double number = 123.54;
 double down, up;
down = floor(number);
 up = ceil(number);
printf("originaJ number %5.21f\n", number);
printf("number rounded down %5.21An", down);
printf("number rounded up %5.21f\n", up);
 return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <conio.h>
char string! 101;
char *strl = "computer";
slrncpy(string, str 1, 5);
string[3] = W;
 printf("%s\n", string);
 return 0;

B) public class A
int x = 4;
private class B :: class A
int x = 20;
 cout « "x =" «x;
 Explain scope resolution operator:: in C++ with suitable example.

i. A) Explain difference between public, private and protected class with C++ code.   5
B) What are the types of Inheritance ? Explain with suitable example. 5
3. A) Write a program to design a class for addition of two objects using friend
Function. 5
B) Write a C++ program to overload the operator '+', which will be used to
concat the two strings. 5

4. A) Write a program to demonstrate invocation of Constructor and Destructor.      5
B) Write a C++ program to swap two integer number and two real numbers.
Use templates. 5

5. A) Explain Runtime Type Information (RTTI) with suitable example. 5
B) Write a program to accept two numbers and perform basic mathematical operation on it.
Handle the exception like zero_divide_error. 5

6. Write a C++ program that reads the data from FILE1 .txt and copy every alternate
character to FILE2.txt. 10
B. A) Write a function powcr() to raise a number x to a power y. The function takes
a double value for x and int value for y, and returns result. Use default value 2
for y to make the function to calculate squares when this argument is omitted.
Write a main that gets the values of x and y from the user. 5
B) Write a C++ program illustrating static member function. 5

8. Define a class to represent a Bank Account. Include the following
Data Members: 10
a) Name of the Depositor. c) Type of Account
b) Account No. d) Balance Amount. Member Functions: l) To Assign initial value

b) To Deposit an amount
c) To Withdraw an amount
d) To Display Name of Depositor & Balance. Define all member functions and mainQ. Generate the saving account report slip as an output.

Management Support System with marks

Management Support System with marks
(2005 Pattern)

time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : I) Q. 1 & Q. 6 are compulsory.
2) Attempt any three from Q. 2 to Q. 5.
3) Figures to the right indicate marks,

1. a) Explain in delaiI the information requirements for personnel function using
systems approach, 15
b) Explain the application for negative feedback with an example. 5
2. "The information requirements varies according to the level of management". Comment. 10
3. Explain various software and hardware requirements towards implementation of EIS. Differentiate between EIS and DSS. 10
4. Explain conceptual and physical view of MIS. 10
5. "Simulation is not strictly a type of model". Comment. 10
6. Write short notes on (any four) : 20

a) Law of requisite Variety.
b) Sensitivity Analysis.
c) Newell Simon Model.
d) Expert Systems.
e) Value of Information.

! a) The GBD company has had a computer for several years and has added applications based on the power or persuasion of executives of different functions. They now wish to examine their status relative to the concept of management information system. The following is the list (portfolio) of applications currently on the system for sales and marketing accounting, production and information system.
Account payables
Daily cash report
Weekly production schedule
Competitive Position Analysis (yearly)
Weekly payroll report
Monthly cash flow projection
Sales order accounting
Weekly data processing error report.
Classify these applications according to the management information system
conceptual model. 10
b) Explain the application of negative feedback in the following:
- A management reporting system using budgets. 10
I "The uncertainty and risk is high at strategic level of management." Comment      10
I Explain characteristics and limitations of human information processing. 10

4. Explain needs and characteristics of EIS. 10
5. "The determination of optional solutions can be provided through heuristic programming" Justify. 10
6. Explain about all phases of Herbert Simon model. 10
7. Write short notes on any four of the following: (4x5=20)

a) Law of requisity variety.
b) MIS and other academics disciplines.
c) Quality of information, dj Expert system, e) Operations research techniques.

Management Support System | Mss important questions

Management Support System | Mss important questions
Management Support System | Mss important questions
1. a) Explain in detail the information requirements for marketing functions using
systems approach.
b) Explain the application of law of requisite variety with an example.
2. Explain how quality of information improves the decision making capability of people in an organization ?
3. Explain Newell Simon model with diagrammatic representation.
4. a) How Expert system is different from conventional system ?
b) How DSS differs from MIS ?
5. "Sensitivity analysis helps in identifying value of additional information to support decision making". Comment.
6. Write short notes on any four :

a) Types of systems
b) MIS Vs.DP (Data Processing)
c) Simulation
d) Static Models
e) Herbert Simon Model.

Management Support System interview questions

Management Support System interview questions
Management Support System Model papers
1. a) Explain in delaiI the information requirements for personnel function using
systems approach,
b) Explain the application for negative feedback with an example.
2. "The information requirements varies according to the level of management". Comment.
3. Explain various software and hardware requirements towards implementation of EIS. Differentiate between EIS and DSS.
4. Explain conceptual and physical view of MIS.
5. "Simulation is not strictly a type of model". Comment.
6. Write short notes on (any four) :

a) Law of requisite Variety.
b) Sensitivity Analysis.
c) Newell Simon Model.
d) Expert Systems.
e) Value of Information.

: Management Support System(mss) (New Course) | Mca pune University

: Management Support System(mss) (New Course) | Mca pune University
 Management Support System(New Course)
Management Support System (New Course) | Mca pune University

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : I) Q.I and Q. 6 are compulsory.
2) Solve any 3 from Q. 2~Q. 5.
I. Explain in detail the information required in designing IT-based MIS for handling
personnel function. 20
2 Explain needs of information at different managerial levels. 10
3. Explain Newell Simon model with diagram. 10
4. Differentiate between HIS and DSS. 10
|5. Define MIS and explain structure of MIS based on management activities and
functions. 10
[ 6. Write short notes (any 4) : 20
a) Types of systems
b| Negative feedback
c) MIS Vs. Data processing
(I) F.xpert system
e) Herbert Simon Model
0 Modelling process.