Sunday, 13 November 2011

How to learn computer network with Questions

How to learn computer network with Questions
Learn computer nework by solving questions.
By solving given questions you can learn computer networks in easy way.
2) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
1. A) Explain in detail E-mail Protocols. 10 B) What is DNS ? Explain DNS resolving process in detail. 10
2. What is firewall ? Explain different types of firewalls and also rules and policies
on firewall. 10
3. Explain LAN accessing techniques - CSMA/CD and polling in detail.             10
4. Explain in detail DHCP & scope resolution. 10
5. Explain in detail sliding window and TCP connection. 10
6. Explain HTTP Communication in detail. 10
7. Write short notes (any four): (4x5=20)
i) Packet switching
ii) Bridge
iii) Ethernet Network
iv) Brodband ISDN
v) Problems with SNMP
vi) IPV4 Vs IPV6.

Computer Networks interview important questions

Computer Networks  interview  important questions
Computer Networks  interview  important questions 

a) Explain DHCP in detail. Explain scope resolution in DHCP with example.    
Explain various components used in building LAN.
xplain E-mail procedure using message structure, addressing, sending and
Explain various IP addressing scheme with example.
Explain SNMP organisation and problems with SNMP.
What is firewall ? Explain firewall policies and rules.
Compare 1PV4 and 1PV6 datagram structure.
a) Circuit switching
b) Connection-Oriented networks
c) Cable transmission media
e) X.25 network
f) Datalink layer in OS I model.

Computer Networks Question papers Mca Pune university

Computer Networks Question papers Mca Pune university
 Computer Networks (New Course) (2005 Pattern).
Computer Networks(CN) Question papers Mca Pune university
l.a) What is DNS and DNS protocols ? How delegation of-authority is executed in
DNS ? 10
b) Explain TCP as a reliable protocol. 10
2. Explain REQUEST and RESPONSE in HTTP communication. 10
3. What is VPN ? Explain IP Sec Protocol's role in VPN communication. 10
4. Explain various components used in building a local area network. 10
5. Explain DHLP scope resolution with example. 10
y MB •
6. Write short notes (any four) : " (4x5=20)
i) ATM traffic management
ii) IP routing
iii) Firewall
iv) Topologies
v) Gigabyte Network
vi) Data-Link Layer in OSI model.

Probability And Combinatorics (p & c) (New) (2005 Pattern)

Probability And Combinatorics (p & c) | Mca | Pune university

1. Solve any four :
a) Slate different approaches to probability. State axioms of probability. 5
b) State and prove binomial theorem. 5
c) Suppose a license plate contain 3 letters followed by 4 digits. How many different license plates can be printed if:

a) Only the letters are repeated ?
b) Only the digits can be repeated ? 5
d) In how many ways 6 rings be worn on 4 fingers when
i) There can be only one ring on each finger.
ii) There can be any number of rings on each finger. 5
e) Solve the recurrence relation an - "-a^, + 2()an_2 = 0 to the initial conditions
a( = 2. 5

2. a) Find how many numbers between I and 500 both inclusive are divisible by
either 2 or 3 or 7 or 11. 7
b) Prove that
C(n, 1) + C(n, 3) + .... = C(n, 0) + C(n, 2) + ... = 2"'1. 8
3. a) Determine the discrete numeric function corresponding to generating function      8
5-6z + z2
b) hind the number of non negative integer solutions of the equation X, +X2+ X3 = 28
such that 4 < X, < 21, 5 <, ^ < 22, 6 £ X3 < 23. 7
4. a) Explain the following terms with examples. 6
i) Random Variable ii) Sample Space       iii) Events

b) The following table represents the joint probability distribution of the discrete
random variable (X, Y). 8

1 2 3
1 k 5k 3k
2 2k 6k 7k
3 9k 10k Ilk

i) k
ii) Conditional probability distribution of X given Y = 1
iii) Conditional probability distribution of Y given X = 2 and
iv) P(X + Y = 4)
c) Find mean and variance of Poisson distribution. 6

5. a) State Baye's theorem and solve the following. There arc 5 boys and 3 girls in
room No. 1 and there are 7 boys and 3 girls in room No. 2. A girl from one of
the two rooms laughed loudly. What is the probability the girl who laughed
loudly was from room No. 2 ? 7
b) A random variable X has following : N1 (t) = 2/(2 -1).
Find i) E(X) and ii) Var (X). 8
6. a) Find mean and variance of continuous uniform distribution. 7
b) The joint probability density function of (X, Y) is given by :
f(X,Y) =2e"xe"2y,0< x <oo,0<y <oo
■ 0 otherwise Compute :
i) P(X > I. Y < 1)
ii) P (X < Y) 8



ime: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

N.B.: I) Question No. I and Question No. 4 are compulsory.
2) Solve any one from Question No. 2 and 3 and any one question from Question No. 5 and Question No. 6.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

a) State and prove the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion (PIE). 7
b) How many seven-place secret codes are possible when three of the entries are letters and four are digits. Repetition of digits and letters are allowed. 7
c) Solve the following Recurrence Relation 6
I «.-Vi + 2°v2 = 2 (5)n r —,—p fipa
a) If six people attended a party, where before joining the party they deposit
their hats in a check room. After the party the hats gel mixed up and the six
gentlemen picked their hats at random manner. What is the probability that
none of them receives their own hat 7
f2n" 2
+ 2
+ +
n 0 1 n
,   J 1 J
b) Show the following by using combinatoric arguments: 8
(2n)  (nf   (n)2             (n^2
; n>r

+ + fr + 2] + +
r r
V            « r r
- r + 1

) Determine the discrete numeric function for which the generating function is 4-4z + z*i
) Find the number of positive integer solutions of the equation:
X! + x2 + x3 = 21; Xj > 2, x-, > 4, x3 > 5 ) Find the coefficient of x6 y8 z'° in the expansion of (2x3 - 3y2 - 5z)16.

4. a) State moment generating function and find moment generating function of I
Gamma distribution.
b) Show that Poisson distribution is a limiting case of Binomial distribution.
c) Solve the following problem using Baye's theorem.
Of the eggs supplied to a co-operative 30%, 20%, 35% and 15% come from the poultry farms A, B, C and D respectively. Rotten eggs account for 2%M 1%, 2.5%, and 1% of the supplies by A, B, C, D respectively. An egg \m taken at random and found to be defective. What is the probability that
i) It was supplied by A     ii) It was supplied by C

5. a) State and prove mcmoryless/forgetfullness property of Exponential
Dislri bulion.
b) The joint probability function for the random variables X and Y is given below:

\ Y X \ 0 1 2

0 1/
/8 i/
/9 1/
1 1/ /9 1/ /IK 1/
2 1/ 1/
/6 i/

i) The marginal probability distribution of X and Y
ii) P [X> 1/ Y > 1]
iii) Are X and Y independent ?

6. a) The joint density function of (X, Y) is given by
f (x, y) = 2e~* e-2y ; 0 < x < oo
0 0 < y < oo
i) P(X> 1, Y< 1) ii) P(X<Y)
b) Calculate mean and variance of Geometric distribution.
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

N.B.:   i) Question No. 1 and question No. 4 are compulsory.
ii) Solve any one question from question nos. 2 and 3.
iii) Solve any one question from question nos. 5 and 6.
iv) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. a) Stale and prove Derangement theorem.
b) A shop sells six different flavours of ice-creams. In how many ways a customer
choose 4 ice-cream cones if :
i) they are not necessarily of different flavours.
ii) they contain only 3 different flavours.
c) Solve the recurrence relation a      5a , + 6a =5".
d) In how many ways we can arrange the alphabets of the word 'ARRANGE' so that
i) Two A's arc always together.
ii) Two A's are together and two R are not together. (5 Marks each)
2. a) Find number of non-negative integer solutions of the equation
x, + x2 + x3 = 17 if 2 < x, <8, 3 <     <8f 4<x3<8. 7
b) How many ways are there to distribute eight balls into six boxes with the first two boxes collectively having atmost four balls if:
i) the balls are identical
ii) the balls are distinct. 8

3. a) Determine the discrete numeric function corresponding to generating function.        7

A(z)=-^T 4-4z + z2
b) Find coefficient of x4yV' in the expansion of (2x2 - y - 3z2)8. 4
c) If 4 Americans, 3 Frenchmen and 3 Englishmen are to be seated for dinner. How many ways they can sit on circular table if :
i) there is no restriction
ii) same nationality must sit next to each other ? 4

4. a) Define the following events with illustration.
i) Exhaustive events ii) Mutually exclusive events
iii) Equally likely events iv) Independent events. 8
b) In a basket there are 12 mangoes of which 7 are good. A sample of 3 mangoes is drawn from it.- Find the expected no. of bad mangoes drawn. 6
c) Find Mean and Variance of Geometric distribution. 6
5. a) Given the following bivariate probability distribution obtain :
i) Marginal distributions of X and V
ii) Conditional distribution of X given Y = 2
iii) Condition distribution of Y given X = 0
iv) Expectation of X. 8



x, x5 x5 X, x5

b) Obtain Mean and Variance of Binomial distribution using cumulant generating
function. 7

x2 + -^  for 0<x<l,0£y £2
0 elsewhere
6. a) If a joint pdf of two dimensional random variable (X.Y) is given by f(x) =

Find : i) P (Y < X)     ii) P(Y< % / X<


b) Obtain moment generating function of exponential distribution. Hence find
Mean and Variance of the distribution. 7


3 Hours

Max. Marks: 70

Instructions: i) Question No, I and Question No. 4 are compulsory, ii) Solve any one from Question Nos. 2 and 3. Hi) Solve any one jmm Question Nos. 5 and 6. iv) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Solve any four:
a) State and prove the formula for Derangement of n objects.
b) A palindrome is a word thai reads the same from front and backwards, for e.g. LIRIL. How many 7-letter palindromes can be made out of English alphabets ?
In how many ways 5 cakes be given to 7 children, if
i) no child can possess more than one cake.
ii) a child can have any number of cakes.
In how many ways the 6 letters are kept in 6 envelops if two of the letters are too large for one of the envelopes.
Solve the recurrence relation an(? - oa^ + 9an = 0 given that a0 = 5, a. = 9.
b) Show that rC
l) Find how many numbers between 1 and 350 both inclusive are divisible by either 2 or 3 or 5 or 7 ?
-«C + "2c + + nc = n-'cr(l
A(z) =
5-6z + z-
b) There are eight persons. In how many different ways can they be seated around a Round table ?

a) Explain the following terms with examples.
i) Random Variable
ii) Sample Space
iii) Events

r.i <>.

13080] - 205

b) The following table represents the joint probability distribution of the discrete random variable (X, Y). Find all marginal probability distributions and conditional probability distributions of X given Y.

\Y x\ 1 2 — 3
1 1/12 0 1/18
2 1/6 1/9 1/4
3 0 1/5 2/15

c) If a r.v. X is Exponentially distributed then show that
P[X > s + t/X > s] = P[X > t], for any s, t > 0 1

5. a) State Baye's theorem and solve the following. There are 4 boys and 2 girls in
room No. 1 and there are 5 boys and 3 girls in room No. 2. A girl from one of the two rooms laughed loudly. What is the probability the girl who laughed loudly was from room No. 2 ?
b) A random variable X has following: Mx(t) = 2/(2 - t) Find i) E(X) and
ii) Var(X). 8
6. a) Find mean and variance of Hypergeometric distribution. 8
k/v'x ; 0<x<4 0;       otherwise

b) The probability density function of continuous r.v. X is given as!
f(x) =

Find i) k
ii) Pd < X <2)
iii) Distribution function of X.

Operating System And Concepts

Operating System And Concepts
 Operating System And Concepts
(2005 Pattern) question papers  | pune university.

1. a) What is IPC ? What are the various schemes available ?
b) Differentiate between swapping and paging.
c) Explain short, long, medium term scheduling.

2. Explain popular multiprocessor thread scheduling strategies.
3. Explain NOS architecture in detail.
4. a) Explain various CPU scheduling criterias. b) Define and explain critical section problem.
5. What happens when you execute a program and command in unix ?
6. a) Explain segmented memory management with suitable example, b) Explain various disk performance issues in detail.
7. Write short notes on any three :

a) Monitor
b) Region
c) Virtual Machine
d) Global OS

1. a) What are various processor scheduling evaluation methods ? Explain the
analytical approach with example. 5
b) Write in short (2 marks each): 10
i) What is context switching ?
ii) Why the page size of logical memory is considered as the power of 2 ?
iii) What is medium term schedular ?
iv) What is Thrashing ?
v) Abstract view of OS.
2. Explain in detail the different operations which takes place on process by Operating System right from its creation to termination. 10
3. Differentiate between paging and segmentation. Explain the address translation mechanism in paging in detail. 10
4. Define IPC. Explain in detail that how IPC is implemented in client-server system.      10
5. What are different issues related to Disk performance ? Explain any two disk scheduling algorithms with suitable example. 10
6. Define Distributed OS and Centralized OS. Explain the NOS architecture in detail.      10
Write short notes on any three: 15
a) Dining philosopher problem and solution using monitor.
b) Virtual Machine. :) RAD Structure.

1. Describe (he action taken by Kernel to Switch context between processes. 10
2. How Communication in client-server takes place ? Explain sockets, RPCs and RMI in detail. 10
3. Explain in detail segmentation memory management with neat diagram. 10
4. Explain various techniques to improve performance of secondary storage. 10
5. What is the TLB ? Explain in detail. 10
6. What are the Unix System Calls for I/O ? 10
7. Write short note on (any 4): 20

a) Global Operating System ■
b) Acyclic Graph Directory
c) Boot block
e) Monitor

1. Describe in detail Disk Scheduling algorithm.
2. Describe ihe Network File System. Explain NFS and mount protocols. 10
3. Write in detail, what is page fault ? 10
4. Explain the RAID structure.
5. What arc the types of Distributed OS ? and Explain NOS architecture, 10
6. Describe how can Deadlock prevent and avoid.
7. Write a short notes on (any four): 20

1) Critical Section Problem.
2) Distributed Vs. Centralized OS.
3) Deadlock recovery.
4) Demand Paging. •
5) Interprocess Communication.
6) Simulation.

Information System : Analysis And Design Methodologies

Information System : Analysis And Design Methodologies
 Information System : Analysis And Design Methodologies (2005 Pattern) (New). | Pune university.
1. a) Order processing system includes the following activities.
i) Customer sends in order.
ii) Order are received by order processing clerk.
iii) Order processing clerk verifies the order for the material before sending for
further processing or rejecting it.
iv) Rejected order will be sent to customer others will entered into the customer
v) Order is processed and invoice is prepared.
Draw physical and logical dala flow diagram for the above case. 10
b) Create decision table to assign risk categories and charges to applicants for an insurance.
Use the following rules :
If the applicant is under 21, apply a surcharge. If the applicant is male,
under 26 and married or male and over 26, assign him to risk category B. If the
applicant is single male under 26 or a female under 21, assign him/her to risk
category C. All other applicants are assigned to risk category A. 10
2. Draw a suitable dala entry screen to enter daily attendances of the employees working in different shifts with proper GUI - based validation controls. 10
3. Explain various activities in Requirement determination in detail. 10
4. Explain about various stages of software development life cycle. 10
5. Explain objective of controls in IS Audit ? Explain various types of controls.        10
6. Write short notes of any four :

1) Elements of system design.'
2) Types of Feasibility.
3) Data Dictionary.
4) Information system security.
5) Object Oriented Methodology.
.6) Skills required for system analyst. 20

1. a) Soft Tech Pvi. Ltd. has issued an advertisement calling applications for various
posts. After receiving applications scrutiny will be made and interview letters will be send. Deserving candidates will be selected through interviews and will be appointed as regular employees.
a) Draw context level Data Flow Diagram. 5
b) Draw 1" level Data Flow Diagram. 10
b) The policy followed by a company to process customer orders is given by following rules.
i) If the customer order <= that in stock and his credit is OK, supply his
ii) If the customer'credit is not OK do not supply send him an intimation.
iii) If the customer credit is OK but items in stock are less than his order
supply what is in stock ? Enter balance to be sent in back order file.
Draw decision table for above policy. 5

2. Explain classical life cycle and prototyping approach to SDLL in detail. 10

. Explain feasibility study and elaborate in cost benefit analysis. 10

. Explain need of information system audit. Also explain various types of controls.       10

. Design a dialogue hierarchy and screens for a system used to reserve seats in long
distance buses. 10
. Write short note on (any four) : (4x5=20)
a) Software acquisition.
b) Fact finding methods.
c) Objectives of output design.
d) File design.
e) RAD.

1. a) A customer presents a cheque to a clerk. The clerk checks a ledger containing
all account numbers and makes sure whether the account number in the cheque is valid, whether adequate balance is there in the account to pay the cheque, and whether the signature is authentic. Having done these, the clerk gives the customer a token. The clerk also debits customer's account by the amount specified on the cheque. If cash cannot be paid due to an error in the cheque, the cheque is returned. The token number is written on top of the cheque and it is passed on to the cgshier. The cashier calls out the token number and the customer goes to the cash counter with the token. The cashier checks the token number, takes the customer's signature, pays cash, enter cash paid in a ledger called day book and files the cheque.
Develop logical data flow diagram as well as physical data flow diagram for
the above case. 15
b) Explain the format of Decision Tree with a suitable example. 5
2. Explain classical life cycle and prototyping approach to SDLC in detail. 10
3. Explain feasibility study and elaborate on Cost-Benefit analysis. 10
4. Design a Menu for Student Master Maintenance having facility Add, Edit, View.   10

5. What are the objectives of control, also explain various types of control '?

6. Write short notes on (any 4) :

a) Spiral Model.
b) System Proposal.
c) Functional Decomposition Diagram.
d) Design of Output.
e) RAD.

I. a) Rosary college of commerce is an underg] aduatfi college. The college receives sufficiently large number of application for admission to F. Y, S. Y and T. Y B.Com. classes. The college has decided to computerized its admission programme. The standard admission procedure requires adhering to the norms set by concerned government agencies the university and the college administration. The procedure also involves disbursing admission forms at a cost, collecting duly completed forms preparing merit lists and admitting the students as per norms, notifying student, collecting fees, preparing and submitting reports to the concerned authorities.
You are required to study the system.
a) Draw context level Dala flow diagram. 5
b) Draw Is* level Data flow diagram. 10 b) A co-operative bank will grant loans under the following conditions :

1) If a customer has an account with the bank and has no loan outstanding, loan will be granted.
2) If a customer has an account with the bank but some amount is outstanding from previous loans, then loan will be granted if special management approval is obtained.
3) Reject loan applications in all other cases.

Draw decision table for above policy. 5
2. Explain prototyping and spiral model in detail. 10
3. Explain feasibility study and various steps in developing system proposal. 10
4. What are the objectives of control ? Also explain types of security for information systems. 10

Data Structures And Files Using 'C |New pattern mca | pune university

Data Structures And Files Using 'C |New pattern mca | pune university
Data Structures And Files Using 'C |New pattern mca | pune university.

4. a) Construct an AVL tree for following
Indira. Jaya, Uma, Amit, Suyog, Anu, Vinit, Zim. Emam. 7
b) Write the function to substract 400 polynomials. 7
5. a) Write the function for non-recursive preorder traversal of binary search tree. 7
b) Write the function to delete the node from circular singly linked list. 7
6. a) Write the function to add the node in Min heap tree. 7
b) Write a note on : 7
a) File Organization technique
b) Hashing.

1. A) Convert INFIX expression to PREFIX form. Show the stack at each step.
B) Write a ANSI C Code for sorting an I-D array of integers using Bubble sort.
2. A) Write a void to calculate sum of all numbers stored in circular queue. B) Write a ANSI C void for Uncling height/depth of binary search tree.
3. Write a program to create reverse linear signally linked list of strings.
4. A) Write a void to reverse the contents of stack.
B) Write a ANSI C Code lo add two polynomials.

5. A) Draw a Binary Search Tree for 23, 89, 34, 67, 99, 2, 55, 45, 78, 12, 56
Write Preorder, Postorder traversal for the tree.
B) Write void for non-recursive Inorcler traversal for the above tree.
6. Write a note on (any two);
A) Expression Tree
B} Threaded Binary tree
C) Hashing techniques.

7. Construct an AVL tree for the following:
Input, Joystick, USB. Rom. Port, Ram, Windows, X-windows. Audio, Cache.

8. A) Write a program to transpose 4x4 matrix.
B) Write a void to reverse each word of a sentence using stack.

9. Answer the following using the graph.
A) Generate DFS output
B) Generate BFS output.
C) Write an adjacency Matrix.

Consider *E' as Starting vertex and Adjacent vertex should in alphabetical descending order.

A) Answer ihe following using graph :
a) Generate DFS output
b) Generate BFS output
c) Write an adjacency matrix
d) Write a adjacency list.


B) Evaluate the following postfix form :
AB - C * DEF + $ /
A = 3, B = 4, C = 1, D = -1, E = 6, F = 5
show the content of stack at each step in tabular form.

C) Draw the expression tree for following:
- (A - B) / (C + lag (D - E!)) - f (G, H, I, J)

2. A) Write a ANSI 'C code to insert and delete an element from a queue.
B) Write a 'C function to delete a node in circular singly linked list.

3. A) Write a ANSI "C code for post order traversal in Binary Search Tree using
non-recursive function. 7
B) Write a program to reverse each word in a string using stack. 7

4. A) Sort the following element using quick sort : 7
65, 9, 48, 32, 28, 23, -92, 62.
B) Draw ;i Binary Search Tree for following : 27, 92, 30, 64, 94, 17, 56, 49, 76, 3, 56
Write pre-order and post-order for same. 7

5. A) Construct an AVL Tree for following : 7
Radha. Rcshma, Shrish. Ram, Sham, Nitesh, Gita, Neeta, Kishore, Ashish.
B) Write a function two merge two sorted linear singular linked list. 7
6. A) Explain following : 8
i) Sequential File Organization
ii) Midsquaring H'ashing Techniques
iii) Abstract Data Type
iv) Priority Queue

B) Write an ANSI C code to transpose a sparse matrix. 6

1. a) Answer the following using graph

a) generate BFS output
b) Generate DFS output
c) Give adjacency list representation considering E' as a starting vertex.      
 b) Write the program to convert INFIX expression to POSTFIX form. 7

2. a) Write the program to reverse the singly linked list of integers.
7 b) Write the program to reverse the content of Queue using stack. 7
3. a) Write a program to sort an I. - Dimensional array using insertion sort.
7 b) Write the function to calculate the sum of all numbers in Binary search tree.       7

Database Management System(dbms) model new pattern

Database Management System(dbms)  model new pattern
 Database Management System (New) (2005 Pattern) question papers for Mca pune university
Consider the following table structure and write SQL statements for the following (any five):
WAREHOUSE (Wh-id, location, No-of-bins, phone) CITIES (city, city-add, state) STORED (Wh-id, item-no, Qty-hcld) ITEMS (item-no, desc, weight) ORDERS (ord-no, ord-date, cust-name) ITEMS-ORDERED (item-no, ord-no, qty-ordered)
CUSTOMERS (cust-name, first-ord-date, lived-in-city)
i) The warehouses located in Mumbai
ii) List of items whose weight exceeds 8
iii) Order date of orders made by Mr. XYZ
iv) The warehouse that hold all the items in order QRDL
v) 1 he total quantity of items held by each warehouse.
vi) The items included in order made by Mr. XYZ and held in KOI.KATA

 a) Normalize the following upto 3NF. •    15
Cuslomer-id Customer-Name Customer-Address City
Pin Code
Phone number
Arrival Date
Departure Date
Arrival Time
Departure Time
Hotel-pin code
Service tax
b) Explain E.F. Codd rules for RDBMS (any five).

2. Explain the architecture of DBMS.
3. Explain Log-based Recovery Techniques in detail.
4. Explain the resolution of M:N Relation in NDM.
5. Explain:

a) Object Oriented Data Model
b) Data Warehousing
6. Consider the following table structure and solve any 5 SQL queries:
Student (Roll-No, Name, Address. Course-id)
Course (Course-id, Course-name, fees, duration) Faculty (Faculty-id. Faculty-Name, Qualification) Faculty-Course (Course-id, Faculty-id)
a) List total number of students enrolled for "MCA".
b) List the course for which "Mr. ABC" is a teaching faculty.
c) Display coursewise total collection.
d) Name the faculty who is teaching for maximum courses.
e) List names of students enrolled for "MCA" course and having "Mr xyz" as a teaching faculty.
f) Display name(s) of course with minimum students enrolled.

7. Write a short note on (any two):
a) Serializibility.
b) Knowledge Management System.
c) Data Mining.
I. The management of Kartik Hospital has decided to computerize their operations. The following information is provided by the management. There are resident, full lime and consulting doctors, with various specialization consulting doctors visit hospital at a fixed time every day or some days of the week. Which varies from doctor to doctor. The visiting charges too vary from doctor to doctor.
Patients are admitted to hospital and their main cause of admission is recorded. For accident cases, additional information such as Police buckle no., name of the police and accident description is recorded.
A patient is admitted in to a room which has certain catagory and having fixed charge per day.
Normalize the above case upto 3NF. 20
Explain various concurrency control protocols. 10
. Explain the resolution of M : N Relation in NDM. 10
. Explain what is a transaction and it's various states. Also explain the properties of a
transaction. 10
. Explain E.F. Codd rules for RDBMS. 10
Write short notes on (any two) : 10
a) Data Mining
b) Data Independence
c) Referential Integrity
d) Object oriented data model.

7. Consider ihe following (able structures and write SQL statements for the following (any 5):
WAREHOUSE (wh-id, location, no-of-bins, phone)
CITIES (city, city-add, state)
STORED (wh-id, item-no, qty-held)
ITEMS (item-no, discription, weight)
ORDERS (ord-no, ord-date, cust-name)
ITEMS-ORDERED (item-no, ord-no, qty-ordcred)
CUSTOMERS (cust-name, first-ord-datc, lived-in-city) ) The warehouse located in Pune. ) The list of items whose weight is less than 10. ) Dates of all orders made by Mr. Shah.
iv) The warehouse which hold all the items in order ORD 9.
v) The total quantity held by each warehouse.
vi) The location of warehouse holding Electrode item.

1. ABC Telecom Ltd. has launched its Mobile Services in Pune. Subscription for
its services will open for customers form Jan. 2009, the following procedure is
proposed by the authorities.
1) At present there are 3 schemes for subscription.
2) Pune region is divided into 10 area sales offices.
3) Customer can collect subscription forms from any sales office.
4) As per subscription type, payment by DD/cheque can be submitted.
5) Forms are verified, subject to realization of payment, customer is informed about mobile number later by a letter.
6) Customer picks up equipment from sales office.
Represent the above case through an ER diagram and Normalize upto 3 NF.
2. Compare the resolution of M : N relation in NDM and HDM.
3. Explain "dead lock" in detail. How it is detected and prevented ?
4. Explain Lock based protocols in concurrancy control.

5. Explain Architecture of DBMS.


6. Write short note on (any 2) :
a) Dataware house
b) Codd's Rule
c) Security and Privacy Mechanism for databases
d) .

7. Consider the following table structure and write SQL statements for the following
(any 5) : 10
EMPLOYEE (, street, city)
WORKS (cmp - name, company-name, salary)
COMPANY (company - name, city)
MANAGER (Emp - name. Manager - name)
a) Find the company with smallest pay scale
b) Find the names, street address and cities of residence of all employees who  work for ABC Co. and earn more than INR 35000 per month.
c) Find the names of all employees who work for XYZ Co.
d) Find the names of cities of residence of all employees who work for XYZ Co.
e) Count the number of employees staying in Pune but their company is in Bombay.

0 Find employees who do not work for XYZ Co.

1. JET airways is in the process of computerizing its passenger reservation system. During a JAD session, following data items have been identified: reservation code, flight no., flight date, origin, destination, departure time, arrival time, passenger name, seat no., reservation agent no., reservation agent name, total
seats. Normalize the above case upto 3 NF.
2. Explain various recovery techniques.
3. Explain the resolution of M : N relation in NDM.
4. Explain E.F. Codd rules for RDBMS.
5. Explain various locking techniques.
6. Write short note on (any two):
a) Architecture of Datawarehouse

b) Security and Privacy mechanism for Databases
c) ACID Properties d)Data Independence.

Principles Of Management Functions And Organisational Behaviour (New) pattern

Principles Of Management Functions And Organisational Behaviour (New) pattern
Principles Of Management Functions And Organisational Behaviour(ppmob) (New) pattern. pune university(mca).

l.a) Explain the need and scope of management in every type of organisation.    
b) Explain, with examples, the managerial skil Is essential for efficient and effective
2. What do you understand by "Managerial Decision Making" ? Describe the various decision making environments with examples.
3. What are the different styles of "Leadership" ? Which one is more suitable for IT. Industry ? Why ?
4. What is conflict management ? How can conflicts be resolved in Organisations ?    
5. Write a detailed note on " system approach lo management".
6. Explain " Johari window". Elaborate its utility in management of organisation.    
7. Write short notes (any two):

1) "Organizing" - function of management
2) Types of Managers
3) H.R. approach to management.
4) Theory X and Theory Y.

1. a) "Henry fayol is known as futhcr of modern Management" discuss.
2. 1b) Define and explain the concept of "Management" Discuss its nature and scope.    
3. Explain the term organisational behaviour along with its significance. Do you think that individual behaviour and self affects O.B ? - Discuss.
4. What is organisational structure ? Discuss the principles of organisational structure.    
5. Define and distinguish between groups and teams and discuss process of effective team building.
6. Discuss theory x, y and z with its relevance to the IT industry.
7. Effective decision making is an essence of managerial success.
8. Write short note on (any 3):
9. I)-Types of manager

2) Johari window
3) Leadership style
4) Structured vs non structured decisions.

1. Discuss the various approaches to Ihe theory of Management.
a) Which according to you is most suitable in IT Industry ?
b) What arc the different levels of Management in a Formal Organization ?      

2. Signify (he role of 'Decision Making' for improving organisational effectiveness. Discuss Herbert Simon's Model in brief.
3. Explain the term Motivation. Evaluate Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory.
4. Define the term 'Organizing'. Discuss various principles of Organizing.
5. What are the various BgO states ? How Transactional Analysis is used to Resolve conflicts ?
6. Write short notes (any 3) :

1) Line Vs. Staff organization.
2) Team building.
3) Leadership styles.
4) Planning function.
5) Group Dynamics.

. a) What is organisation ? Define principles of organisation and classify different
structures of oiganisation.
b) Explain Mc Gregor's theory of motivation.
2. Why the theory of Modern Management put forth by Henry Fayol is valid in recent times also ? Discuss.
3. What are the different skills and functions of manager ?
4. What are the causes of organisational conflicts ? Explain with the help of Johari Window.
5. "Effective decisions is a pre-requisite for future success" - Comment. What arc the factors responsible for decision making ? Explain various types of decisions.    
6. Write short notes (any 3) :

1) OB Models
2) Transactional analysis
3) Leadership styles
4) Line and staff organisation
5) Types of control.

1. a) Why the theory of Modern Management put forth by Henry Fayol is valid in
recent time also ? Discuss.

b) Discuss Theory X and Theory Y of motivation.
2. Explain the term Organisational Behaviour along with its significance in IT Industries.
3. What are conflicts ? Elaborate various strategies to resolve conflicts.
4. Classify the different organizational structures with suitable examples.
5. What arc the different 'Leadership styles' ? What type of leadership style is effective in Informal Organisation ?
6. Write short notes on (any three) :

1) Decision Making Environment
2) Transactional Analysis
3) Managerial Skills
4) Team Building
5) 'Controlling'- function of management.

Information Technology And Programming Methodologies (2005 Pattern)

Information Technology And Programming Methodologies (2005 Pattern)
Information Technology And Programming

Methodologies (2005 Pattern) MCA

a) Draw parse tree for the equation A :ambiguous grammar or not.

i) Virtual memory
ii) Firewall
iii) Compiler and interpreter
iv) Static and dynamic binding.

1. What is Operating System 7 Explain various types such as NOS, SOS and DOS.
2. State use of l-O port. Also explain special input devices used in computer.
3. Complement and simplify:

1) (A+B) (B+C) (A+C).
2) X (W + X) (Y + W + X)
3) XY (YZ + XZ)
4) XY + X'Y' (Yr+Z'Y')

4. Explain different typos of memories used in computer.
5. a) Explain different file handling functions.
b) Compare magnetic tape and magnetic disk as data storage media.

6. a) Explain principle of language design in detail.
b) Explain primitive and non primitive data types with example.
7. a) Write an algorithm for printing fibonacci series, b) What is predicate ? Explain.
8. What is event model ? Explain event driven programming.
9. a) How exceptions are handled in C++ ? b) Explain various states of thread.
10. Write short notes on any two:

a) Abstract classes.
b) Pre-test and post-test loop statement.
c) Logic gates.
d) Network topologies.

1. a) Explain the principles of language design in detail. 10
h) Explain the concept of Cache memory. 5
c) Solve the following: 5
i)( BABA)|6-(762)8 = ( )8 ii) (210)|0 + (AI)I6=   (   )|0.
2. Explain different types of memories used in computer. 10
3. What is a modem ? Explain its types. 10
4. Explain compilers, interpreters and assemblers. 10
5. What is a thread ? Explain various states of a thread. 10
6. Discuss various file organizations and accessing techniques. Comment suitability
of various file organizations. 10
7. Write short notes on (any 2) : 10
a) Computer virus.
b) Demorgan's theorem and Duality theorem.
c) BNF.

What is logic gate 7 Explain various logic gates. Solve and draw gated diagram.

Write definition of algorithm and flowchart Draw a flowchart to check whether the entered number is a prime number or not.

Solve the following : <20)IO * (BAC)I6 = (      )2 jABAB)|6 -(236)g = (      )8 b) Explain linkers and loaders.
Explain object oriented programming language paradigm, also explain what is iding and binding times.

rhat are basic building blocks of language ? Explain structured and non structured
data types. 10

it is operating system ? Explain various types such as NOS. SOS and DOS.

Fire walls \ Dead locks
c) Virtual memory
d) Modem.

1. What is operating system ? Explain functions and various types of operating system.
2. a) Explain block diagram of computer in detail, b) Explain any three input devices.
3. a) Explain various image file formats, b) Solve
i) (BABA)J6 + (18)10 = (   )16
ii) (10)I0.(ABC) |6 = (   )2
iii) (89FC)|6*(27)8 = (   )l6

4.a) What is logic gate ? Explain various logic gates.
b) Write definition of algorithm and flowchart. Draw flowchart to calculate factorial of any given number.

5.a) Explain event driven programming.

b) What arc basic building blocks of language ? Explain structured and non structured data types.

discrete mathematics question papers

Discrete mathematics(dm) question papers and important questions in Mca. pune university
a) Show lhal the following formulae are equivalent.

(A -» B) A (C —»B) <=> (A v Q —» B

b) Let P : It rains
Q : The atmospheric humidity increases. Write the following statements in symbolic form :
i) Atmospheric humidity increases only if it rains.
ii) Sufficient condition for it to rain is that atmospheric humidity increases.
iii) Necessary condition for it to rain is that atmospheric humidity increases.
iv) Whenever atmospheric humidity increases it rains.
c) Determine whether the operation * defined on the following sets is the binary
operation or not. 6
i) A = I where a * b = a + b.
ii) A = I where a * b = max (a, b)
d) GivenA= { 1,2,3,4,5 ) and B = { 1,3, 5). Let R be the relation from A -> B

defined by "x is greater than y" .

e) Show that the sum of degrees of all vertices in a graph is twice the number ofedges.

a) Construct Truth fables for the following :
ii) (PvQ)vlR
iii) 1(PV1Q)

b) Rewrite the following propositions using the symbols 3 and V.
i) There are some successful students who are not clever.

ii) All cats like cream.
c) Obtain the Principal Conjunctive Normal Form (PCNF) for the following
d) Show that the given set of premises is inconsistent.
A —»(B —»C);D —>(B A |C) and A A D.
3. a) Let A be the set of positive factors of 36 and let < be the relation divides; i.e.,
< = {< x, y >' x, ye A and x divides y} . Show that < is totally ordered on A. Also draw the Hasse diagram.
b) Use Warshall's algorithm to find the transitive closure of the relation R = {<1,2>. <2, 3>, <3,4>,<2, l>} onA = {1.2, 3,4).
c) Let R = {<1, 2>, <3, 4>, <2, 2>) and S = f<4, 2>, <2, 5>, <3. 1>, <1. 3>|. Find S • Rand R • R • R.
d) Show that the set of integers is countable.

4. a) If A = {1.2, 3,4 J and B = (a, b, c, d}, determine if the following functions are
one to one, onto or both.
i) f= (<l,a>, <2, a>, <3. b>,<4, d>)
ii) g = (<1, c>, <2, b>, <3, a>, <4, a>|
iii) h - (<1, a>, <2, b>, <3, a>, <4, c>)
b) Let < G, *> and <H, A> be groups and g : G -» H be a homomorphism. Prove that kernel of g is a normal subgroup of G.
c) Let < I, +> be the group and Hj the set of all multiples of 3. Show that H3 is a subgroup of 1. Determine all the left cosets of H, in I, where 1 is the set of all integers.

a) Show that the Graphs G and H are isomorphic.

b) Count the number of vertices, number of edges and number of region of each of ihe following planar graphs :

c) Show thai the maximum number edges in a simple graph with n vertices is n(n-l)/2.
d) Draw the following graphs :
i) Two ternary trees with 9 leaves
ii) Two binary trees with 7 leaves

a) Show the following equivalence. P-*(OvR)»(P-*Q)v(P-»R)
b) If the universe of discourse is the set (a, b, c) eliminate the quantifiers in the following formulae.
i) (x) (P(x)VQ(x))
ii) (x) R (x) A(x) S(x).
c) Write down the composition tables for (z7 +7} and i^'i, x7) where
z;-z7:([o]}. ^
d) Let R be a transitive and reflexive relation on A. Let T be a relation on A such that (a,b)is in t if and only if both (a,b) and {b,a)are in R. Show that T is an equivalence relation on A. 5
e) Let N denote the set of all natural numbers. Show thai NxN is denumerable.    
0 A connected planner graph has 9 vertices having degrees 2, 2, 2. 3, 3. 3, 4, 4
and 5. 4
i) How many edges are there ?
ii) How many faces are there ?

2. a) Construct truth tables for the following :
i) Pv   (PAR)
ii) (P A lQ)vR
iii) ~~|(pA~~iQ)
b) Rewrite the following propositions using the symbols 3 and V-
i) All good students study hard.
ii) There is a triangle whose sum of angles # 180-
c) Obtain the Principal Disjunctive Normal Form ( PDNF) for the following :
~]pv("">->(QV(Q-»"!R)) rjn'Aunap* gfllwoHol -yiJ wort? (n
d) Show the validity of the conclusion G v H is valid from the premises
3. a) Let A be the set of positive factors of 72 and let < be the relation devides;
i.e., < = I <x, y>| x, y e A and x divides y ). Show that < is totally ordered on A. Also draw the Hasse diagram.
b) Use Warshall's algorithm to find the transitive closure of the relation
R = I (1.3). (1.1), (3.1), (1,2), (3,3), (4,4)] on A = {1, 2, 3, 4 ]
c) Let R = I < 1, 2>, <3, 4>, <2, 3> ( and S = (<4, 2>, <2, 5>, <3. 1>, <l, 3> ). Find S« (S.R) and (R*S) • R.
d) Let A = { 1,2,3} determine whether the relations R and S whose matrices MK and Ms are given are equivalence relations or not.

i)   MR =I 0 0 0 I I 0   1    I
ii)  MS =
I   0   I
0 1 0
1 0 0

4. a) If A = {1, 2, 3, 4( and B - {a, b. c, d), determine if the following functions are one to one. onto or both.
i) f = { <1, a>, <2, a>, < 3, b>, <4, d>|
ii) g = |< I, c>. < 2. b>, <3, a>, <4, a>]
iii) h = (<l. a>, <2, b>, <3, a>. <4, c>)
b) Show that if (H. *) is a sub group of (G, *), then a * H = H if and only if a eH.
c) Write the code words generated by H, where :
(\   1   0   1   0 0\ H_ 0 1  10 10 ]   0   I   0  0   I
V /

What is the minimum weight of the non zero code word in above code words ?
How many errors are detected by this group code ? 7

5. a) Show that the graphs G and H are isomorphic : 6

c) Show that if G is a simple graph with n vertices and k components, then G
can have at most (n - k) (n - k +1) 12 edges. 6
d) Draw the following graphs : 4
i) Complete graphs with 4 and 5 vertices
ii) Simple graph with 2 and 4 vertices.

B/l 1/07/2,940

MT-11: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (New: 2005 Pattern)

ime: 3 Hours

Max. Marks: 70
N.B.: Question No. 1 is compulsory and attempt any 2 questions out of remaining 4.

1. a) Show the following equivalence. P-»(QvR)<=> (P->Q)V(P-»R).
b) Let I7 be the set of integers modulo 7; i.e; I7 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Define f: I? -»I7 by f(x) = 2x (mod 7). Determine whether the function f is one-one and onto.
c) Let <G, * > be a group and a GG. Let f: G —» G be given by f(x) = a * x * a-1 for every x e G. Prove that f is an isomorphism of G onto G.
d) If the universe of discourse is the set ( a, b, c}, eliminate the quantifiers in the following formulas.
i) (x) (P (x) -> Q(x))       ii) (x) R(x) A (X) S(x). ' ^ ( a
e) Let A be the set of positive factors of 45, and let < be the relation divides;
i.e; < = ( <x, y> | x, y e A and x divides y). Show that < is a totally ordered
relation on A. Also draw the Hasse diagram.
0 Determine adjacency and incidence matrices of the following graph.

2. a) Let A = { 1, 2, 3). Let R, S be relations on A whose matrices are

[I   0   1 [1 0 o]
1 1 1 , Mc = 0   I   0
0   I   Oj 9 1   0   1
Find MS0R. Is SOR reflexive ? Is it symmetric ?
b) Use Warshall's algorithm, to find the transitive closure of the relation R = ( (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)) on A = { 1, 2, 3,4).
c) Show that the set of all integers is a denumerable set.
d) Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4) and R = {(1, 1), (1,4), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 1), (4,4)}. Prove that R is an equivalence relation on A. Find the equivalence classes of elements of A.
3. a) Test the validity of the following argument.
If Tina marries Rahul, she will be in Pune. If Tina marries Ramcsh, she will be in Mumbai. If she is either in Pune or Mumbai, she will definitely be settled in life. She is not settled in life.Thus she did not marry Rahul or Ramesh.
b) Obtain disjunctive normal form of P A (P ->Q).
c) Show the following implication without constructing the truth table. P -*Q     P —» (P A Q)
d) Prove that (3x) (P (x) A Q (X)) => (3x) P (x) A (3X) Q(X).
4. a) Determine all the binary operations on the set (0, 1). Give their composition
b) Show that the set N of natural numbers is a semigroup under the operation x * y = max {x, y}. Is it a monoid ?
c) Let H=

1 1 <> 1 0 0 o I 1 0
0 0
0 0

be a parity check matrix. Decode the following words relative to a maximum likehood decoding function associated with eH.
i) 011001
ii) 101011
iii) 111010

d) Let G be a group and aeG. Show that H = (an | n is an integer) is a
subgroup of G. 4

5. a) Attempt each of the following: 8
i) Define a complete graph. Draw a complete graph on 5 vertices (nodes).
ii) Define a complete bipartite graph. Draw a complete bipartite graph on
5 vertices.
iii) Define the complement of a simple graph.

c) Attempt each of the following:
i) Draw 2 rooted trees with 5 nodes.
ii) Draw 2 binary trees with 6 leaves.
iii) Draw two ternary trees with 11 leaves.

b) Let X = { 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36) and the relation < be such that X ^ Y if X divides Y. Draw the hasse diagram of < X, < >.
c) R is the additive group of real numbers and R+ the multiplicative group of
positive real no's, the map f: R -> R* defined by f (x) = ex V x e R. Does f(x)
defines isomorphism ?
d) A connected planar graph has 9 vertices having degrees 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 and 5. How many edges are there ? How many faces are there ?
e) Determine whether the conclusion C is valid in the following when H,, H2
are premises. 5
i) H, : PVQ H,: P -» R H3:Q-»R        C:R
I     ii) H, : P     (Q -> R)     : R C : P
0 Show that the maximum number of edges in a simple graph with n-vcrtices is "(n-1)
2    " 5
2. a) Obtain the principal disjunctive normal form of
b) Show the following equivalence without constructing truth table.
((PAQAA)->C)A(A->(PVQVC))«(AA(POQ))->C 5

c) Show that (3x)M(x) follows logically from the premises 5
1 (x)(H(x)-»M(x))&(3x)H(x)
d) Test the validity of the following arguments :
If I study, then I will not fail in mathematics. If I do not play basket ball, then
I will study. But I fail in mathematics. Therefore, I must have played Basket
[3180] - 104 -2

3. a) Let the compatibility relation on a set {x,,x2 x6( be given by the matrix.

X2 1
X3 1 1
X4 0  ■ 0 1
X5 0 0 1 1
X6 1 0 1 0 1
x. \ X3 X4 X5

Draw the graph and find the maximum compatibility blocks of the relation.

b) Let A = (a, b, c} and p(A) its power set. Let Q be the inclusion relation on
the elements p(A). Show that (p(A), c) is a partially ordered set. Draw the
hasse diagram of (p(A), c). Find the least and greatest members in p(A) if they exist.
c) Given A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and R = { <2, 2>, <2, 4>, <1, 3>, <3, 2>} Find transitive closure of R.
d) Let X = {1, 2, 3) and f, g and h be functions from X to X given by f = {<1, 2>, <2, 3>, <3, 1>}         g = {<1, 2>, <2, 1>, <3, 3>} h= {<1, 1>, <2, 2>, <3, 1>}
0 fog, gof are they equal ii) fogoh and fohog.
4. a) Let <G, *> be a group and a e G. Let f:G -> G be given by f (x) = axa-1 for every x s G. Prove that f is an isomorphism of G onto G.
b) Find the left cosets of ([0], [3]) in the group <Z6, + 6>.
c) Consider the (2,6) encoding function e:
e (00) = 000000, e (10) = 101010, e (01) = 011110, e (11) = 111000
i) Find the minimum distance.
ii) How many errors will e detect ?

d) Let f: IxI—> I, where I is set of integers and f (x, y) = x*y
= x + y^xy
Show that the binary operation * is commutative and associative. Find the identity element and indicate inverse of each clement.

4 of degree 2. Draw two such graphs.
Determine whether the following graphs are isomorphic or not.
a) Determine the number of edges in a graph with 6 nodes, 2 of degree 4 and b)

Represent the following using a binary tree.
(3x-5z£ a(2b+-c2)
ii) (3.(l-x)) + (4 + (7-(y + z)).(7 + (x + y))).

What are the total numbers of nodes in a full binary tree with 20 leaves ?

1. a) Show that the truth value of the following formula is independent of their components.
b) Let A be the set of positive factors of 45 and let< be the relation divides,
i.e. < = (<x.y>/x e A, y e A A (x divides y) ).

Show that < is a totally ordered relation on A. Also draw the Hassc diagram.
c) Let T be the set of all even integers. Show that the semigroups (z, +) and (T, +) an isomorphic.
d) Show that the maximum no. of edges in a simple graph with n vertices is
e) Let z be the set of integers and let R be the relation called "congruence modulo 3" defined by
R = {<x, y>/x€ZAyezA(x-y)is divisible by 3} Determine the equivalence classes generated by the elements of z.

2. a)

Show that R A (P V Q) is a valid conclusion from the premises PvQ,Q->R,P->M&lM.   •

Show that the conclusion C follows from the premises H,, Hr
i) H, : P->(Q~>R) H2 :R     C:P
ii) Hl : R H2:Pv^P     C:R

Show that the following set of premises are inconsistent

c) Obtain the PCNF of the following formula (P->(QAR))AnP-*(-»QA-*R))
d) "Every computer has a CD drive. Some computers have floppy drive. Therefore some computers have both CD and a floppy drive." Verify the above argument is valid or not.
. a) Find all upper bounds, lower bounds, least upper bounds, greatest lower bounds of B = { c, d, e } for the poset whose Ilasse diagram is

b) Use Warshall's algorithm to find the transitive closure of the relation R = ( < 1,2 > <2, 1 > <2, 3 > <3,4> } on A = { 1, 2, 3, 4 )
c) Show that the set N x N is dcnumcrable.
d) Let the compatibility relation on a set ( x,, x2, x, x6 ) be given by the

*2 1
1 1
*4 0 0    1
0 0    1 1
*6 1 0    1 0    1
x. x2 x3 x4 x5

Draw the graph and find the maximal compatibility blocks of the relation.